
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Hold Onto God

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Reading: Genesis 33:22-31

Verse 26: “But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’”

Photo credit: Ryan McGuire

We begin our week with Jacob. He has almost returned to his home and to his family. Although he has come a long way in his relationship with God there is still some of the old Jacob in him. In the first part of chapter 32 he questions responding to God’s directive to go back home. When he hears that Esau is coming out with 400 men, Jacob feels “great fear and distress.” Instead of fully trusting God, he begins to scheme – maybe he can at least escape with half of his “stuff.” Sound familiar? He sends flock after flock across the stream, sent as gifts to try and curry his brother’s favor and friendship. Then he sends across his wives, servants, sons, and all of his possessions. He himself stays on this side of the water.

It is during the night that a “man” comes and wrestles with Jacob. Jacob is tenacious. Finally the man wrenches Jacob’s hip in an attempt to free himself. Jacob wrestles on. At daybreak the man asks to be let go. In response Jacob says, “‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.” It is then that Jacob is blessed.

When have you wrestled with God? Maybe, like Jacob, it was when a lot was on the line and it felt like everything rested upon the decision(s) you had to make. Maybe it was in a valley or in some other place of struggle, in a place where you clung to God because it felt like you had nothing else to hold onto. Maybe it was some other scenario when you held on. Maybe it is happening right now. From Jacob’s story and from our own story, we learn that when we refuse to let go of God, when we hold on tight in spite of the pain, we too will be blessed by God. In trust, may we wrestle with and may we hold onto God until we get to the place of blessing.

Prayer: Lord God, I know that the light and the joy come with the morning. Though the night may last days or even weeks, I know that you are there and that you will see me through. Help me to hold onto you, especially in the wrestling. Thank you Lord for holding onto me. Amen.

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