
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

His Hope for Us Too

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Reading: Matthew 16:21-23

Verse 23: “You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

Right after Peter’s amazing declaration of Jesus as the Messiah, I wonder if the disciples high-fived one another and got all excited – like rabid fans before the big game. Among the 12 were 2 zealots and probably 10 others who longed to see Rome sent home with her tail between her legs. The disciples, like 99.9% of the Jewish population, dreamed of being a great and powerful nation once again. We recall that Jesus ended that last messianic conversation with the stern warning not to tell anyone that Jesus is the Messiah. Tempering the emotions and expectations of the masses is never easy. A crowd can go from zero to 100 in a moment. (See the Palm Sunday passages.)

Jesus begins to temper the disciples’ messianic expectations by God explaining what his last few days will actually look like. He tells them that he will “suffer many things” and that he will be killed. Then he says, but on the third day he will be “raised to life.” All of this must’ve felt crushing and simply impossible to the disciples – especially the last part about rising to life after being killed. Jesus, dead is dead. There is no going back.

Peter can’t make any sense of it. He probably didn’t want to either. That’s why he reacts as he does, saying, “Never, Lord!” Peter thought he was being brave and courageous. He thought he knew better than Jesus. Jesus does not think so. He sharply redirects Peter’s thinking, inviting him away from “merely human concerns” and into “the concerns of God.” Peter, the rock, will get there.

That is Jesus’ hope for us too. We can easily lose our kingdom of God focus and regress into the ways of the kingdom of the world. Self can easily slip ahead of Jesus as the one who ruled the roost. In these moments when we begin to teeter – and we will – may we remember that Jesus is the king of love not hate, of humility not greatness, of peace not competition and comparison. May this be our king, our Lord, our Savior.

Prayer: Lord God, the things and ways of this world can so easily become a stumbling block. Soon enough we’ve fallen and are all bruised and broken. By the power of your Holy Spirit, intervene and intercede in our lives. Lead and guide us to walk in the way that leads to abundant life. Amen.

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