
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

What Are Your Moments?

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Reading: Exodus 12:1-14

Verse 14: “For the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord — a lasting ordinance.”

a handful of many…

This week’s Old Testament reading is one of the core stories of the Jewish faith. The Passover is an event celebrated and remembered each year – much like Easter and Christmas for the Christian church. As we would not ever make a decision to skip one of these key events of the Christian faith, so too are the Israelites committed to this “lasting ordinance” of God. Ever since the day that the Lord passed over their homes, sparing the firstborn from death, the Jewish people have celebrated and remembered this event, this act of God.

To mark, to remember, to celebrate – these are part of our faith story. Whether Passover or Christmas or Easter or holy communion, people of faith are strengthened and encouraged when we remember what the Lord has done for us. While these are corporate remembrances, I believe that it is at least as important for us to personally remember the stories of what God has done for us.

For me there’s that time in the Promise Keeper’s prayer room, that time in the church balcony, that time on that mission trip… These are some of the key moments in my life when God drew near, when God acted in my life. What are your moments, your encounters?

Prayer: Lord, help us to remember the core events of our faith journeys and to regularly celebrate these divine encounters. By remembering we are strengthened and built up in our faith and in our relationship with you. By offering our thanks to you, we are humbly bowing before you in praise and adoration. To God be the glory! Amen.

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