
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

The Work of Our Hands

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Reading: Psalm 90:13-17

Verse 17: “Establish the work of our hands for us.”

Photo credit: Clay Banks

As the words of Moses continue on from verse 6, he petitions God for right living and for a heart of wisdom. Moses notes that whether we live to 70 or 80, our days “pass quickly.” It is with this quick review that we turn to today’s verses. Moses begins with a plea for compassion coupled with his plea for God to relent. Perhaps these words came after the incident with the golden calf (or some other sin). Moments when we are reminded of our sinful nature and of our mortality tend to lead to somber thoughts and to some good inner reflection.

Continuing, Moses asks for God’s “unfailing love” to satisfy them so that the people can be joyful. Moses then asks God to reveal God’s splendor so that they may be glad. He closes by asking for God’s favor to be upon Israel and then connects this thought to a request to “establish the work of our hands.” Taken all together, Moses is asking for God’s presence to fill them with gladness and joy so that they can live a life that is pleasing to God. Moses modeled this life for the people. Sure, he had his moments. In Deuteronomy we read that he could not enter the Promises Land because of one of these moments. We too have our moments. Yet we are still called to live out a life of joy and gladness – plus hope, love, peace, mercy, grace… – and to bless God and others through the work of our hands. So, what does this look like for us today?

I ask this because Moses lived in a time and situation that was very different from ours. To find a more relevant example, let us turn to Jesus. He lived in a world much like ours. Jesus lived among everyday people, loving and obeying God. This was reflected in how Jesus engaged and ministered to all sorts of folks, meeting them and loving on them right where they were. May this too be the work of our hands.

Prayer: Lord God, help me to model my daily living after Jesus’ example. Establish the work of my hands today. Make it work that is pleasing to you. Make it work that builds the kingdom of heaven here on earth. Fill me with gladness and joy each day. Fill me so that it overflows into the lives of all that I meet today. Amen.

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