
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Readings: Psalms 105-107

‭Psalm 105:4-5 – “Pursue the LORD and his strength; seek his face always! Remember the wondrous works he has done.”

Psalms 105 and 106 close our Book 4 by recounting Israel’s history. The story begins with the covenant and it runs through to the oppression experienced in the Promised Land. Psalm 105 begins with the covenant made with Abraham and carried over to Isaac, Jacob, and Israel. God protected their small number, eventually sending Joseph then the whole family to Egypt, where they became numerous. After oppression there, God sent Moses and Aaron and the ten plagues. God led them out, guiding by cloud, providing food and water. Finally God gave them the Promised Land, a place where they could “keep his law and observe his instructions.”

Psalm 106 gives an accounting of the people’s struggles with obedience. It recounts the rebellions at the sea, at stops in the desert, and at the foot of Sinai, where they made the golden calf. The psalmist highlights Moses’ saving intercession. Then the psalmist speaks of more rebellion and testing, of idol worship and child sacrifice. Oppression came from an angry God. Soon so too did compassion. The Psalm closes with a plea: “Lord our God, save us! Gather us back together.” Bring us home from this place of exile.

Psalm 107 begins Book 5 with some examples of how God does just that. Gathered from the four directions, the psalmist tells of four groups or types of redeemed people. These cases are generic, allowing us many ways to see how God redeems and can redeem. God redeems those who wander, those who are in gloom and darkness, those who sin, and those who face storms. We all find ourselves in each situation at times. In those times may we remember the God who turns deserts into streams, the God who raises up the needy. May we call on this God, trusting in God’s redeeming and restoring salvation.

Prayer: Lord God, you alone can rescue and you alone can save. You desire to lead and guide us, to teach us your ways. Soften our stubborn hearts and curb our selfish desires, God, so that we can learn and obey. Correct us when we sin, comfort us when we suffer, save us from all that life can bring. Water our dryness, satisfy our hunger. Walk daily with us, O Lord. Amen.

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