
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

The Good Path

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Readings: Proverbs 4 and 5

‭Proverbs 4:23 – “More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.”

Today’s two chapters focus first on loving wisdom and then on avoiding the “mysterious woman.” The author encourages his sons to “let your hearts hold my words.” If one holds onto wisdom then she will guard one’s life. She will protect those who love her. Following these words of wisdom will lead to a long, good life. Therefore we are to love and guard and protect wisdom. The wicked, though, they “eat the bread of evil” and they “drink the wine of violence.” These destructive appetites must be fed. They lead to “deep darkness.” But the way of the righteous is light that gets “brighter and brighter.”

In 4:23 we read, “More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.” In ancient thought the mind was the center of emotions, thought, reason. We are to guard these. This keeps us focused “straight ahead.” It keeps us walking on paths that are secure. The way of the wicked would be crooked and filled with obstacles that would make one stumble.

Chapter 5 focuses on the “mysterious woman.” Although her words “drip honey” and can be enticing and alluring, in fact they are “bitter as gall.” To get involved with this woman is to lose one’s strength, wealth, and reputation. This path leads to “bitter ruin.” The good path involves “drinking from your own cistern.” This is keeping true and faithful to your spouse. We are called to rejoice in this relationship. If we do not we are warned that we will be “caught… in the ropes of our own sin.” In Romans 6 Paul speaks of these “wages of sin.” They lead to death. May we choose instead the good path of life.

Prayer: Lord God, the way of temptation and evil is wide. It leads to sin and death. Guard our hearts and minds, O Lord. Lead us, your sons and daughters, to choose you and your ways. These lead to life. Guide us to your path, O God. Amen.

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