
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Wisdom’s Path

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Readings: Proverbs 8 and 9

‭Proverbs 8:4 – “I cry out to you, people; my voice goes out to all of humanity.”

As we turn to chapter 8 we learn of wisdom’s authority and foundation. Wisdom cries out to “all of humanity.” All people are meant to live according to her ways. All people are to learn to fear the Lord. Kings and rulers govern by wisdom. Her “fruit is better than gold.” She walks the path of righteousness and justice, providing for those who love her. The prideful and the arrogant? There is no place for them on the path of wisdom.

Beginning in verse 22 we learn of the origin of wisdom: “The Lord created me at the beginning.” Before anything else was – before the watery depths were formed, before the mountains, earth, or fields were formed – God brought forth wisdom. She was God’s architect. She was part of the creative process. Therefore she smiles upon and delights in the human race. She invites us to listen, to find in her life and favor from God.

Chapter 9 compares Wisdom and Woman Folly. Wisdom sets the table, prepares the meal, and invites the naive to come and eat. At her table the naive learn to abandon their simple ways. They learn to live and walk in the way of understanding. Walking this way, one gains knowledge of “the holy one.” Woman Folly offers the same invitation. But dining at her table leads to “the depths of the grave.” This sharply contrasts with choosing wisdom. Wisdom’s path leads to the heights of joy and hope, of peace and contentment. May we choose this path.

Prayer: Lord God, how we love your ways! You are the source of all that we need, of all that is good and just and right. Teach us to delight in you just as you delight in us. Shine your light on our path, strengthen our walk. Amen.

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