
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Changed Hearts

Readings: Genesis 42, Genesis 43, Genesis 44, Genesis 45

Genesis 45:7 – “God sent me before you to make sure you’d survive and to rescue your lives in this amazing way.”

Today’s reading covers the story of the reunion of Joseph and his family. The famine has spread far and wide. Jacob hears that Egypt has grain to sell. He sends 10 of his sons to buy grain, keeping Benjamin home. Joseph’s initial reaction with his brothers is harsh, accusatory, and searching. He sends the 10 “spies” to jail with the charge to decide who goes to get Benjamin. In the morning he states that he will keep just one while the others go. Simeon is put in jail while the others leave to retrieve Benjamin, “proving” they are not spies. Joseph has their grain sacks loaded – and places their silver back in there too. Jacob finally relents and sends Benjamin along with gifts, the original silver, and more silver for more grain.

Upon arrival the brothers confess about the silver to Joseph’s household manager. He dismissed it as a gift of God, stating that he received their silver. Simeon rejoins them at Joseph’s home. Seeing Benjamin overwhelms Joseph for a moment. He invited his brothers to a meal, seating them oldest to youngest. He gives Benjamin a portion five times larger. Joseph eats at a table set apart, as is the custom in Egypt.

The grain sacks are filled in the morning and again the silver is replaced. Plus Joseph’s silver cup is hidden in Benjamin’s sack. They leave for home but quickly Joseph’s servants catch up. The brothers profess their innocence and declare death to the one who did such a thing. Slavery will do fine says the manager. The cup is found in Benjamin’s sack. Returning, Judah steps up, recounting Jacob’s words and offering himself in place of Benjamin. Moved, Joseph clears the room of all Egyptians and weeps loudly, revealing himself to his brothers. He assured them that this was all God, saying, “God sent me before you to make sure you’d survive and to rescue your lives in this amazing way.” Plans are made for Jacob and his whole household to move to Egypt, where Joseph can take care of them. The brothers go home and Jacob is overjoyed to hear that Joseph is alive.

It is quite the end to the story that began with selling a hated brother into slavery. Joseph proceeds with caution when he first meets his brothers, but ultimately sees that their hearts have changed. In grace and love reconciliation is found. May we also be people willing to offer the grace and love that leads to forgiveness and reconciliation.

Prayer: Lord God, open our hearts to be people of grace and love and forgiveness. Help us to see how you have been at work, leading and guiding. Empower us to trust in your good plans. Amen.