
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Truth and Contentment

Reading: Proverbs 30

‭Proverbs 30:5 – “All God’s words are tried and true; a shield for those who take refuge in him.”

Today’s words of wisdom come from Agur, an otherwise unknown man. He was likely not an Israelite. Massa is connected to Assyria. In the first few verses he admits that he had no knowledge of God. He was tired and exhausted. Questions about creation drew him towards God. Finding God, he can now declare, “All God’s words are tried and true; a shield for those who take refuge in him.” Agur recognizes God’s power and might. This is a first step in gaining wisdom and understanding.

Agur has two requests of God. First, may he be a man of truth. He asks God to keep fraud and lies far away. Second, he seeks contentment. He doesn’t want to be rich or poor. “Give me just the food I need.” We reflect this idea in the Lord’s Prayer: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Truth and contentment are two core pieces of our faith.

This is then contrasted with foolish behavior. Fools curse mother and father, they are arrogant and greedy – ready to devour the poor and needy. Agur then writes of power that are never satisfied, perhaps analogies for the greed and lust of the fool. The grave and the barren womb always long to be filled. The desert and fire consumes all before them. In the next verses he recognizes things large and small that amaze him. He finds pleasure in God’s creation. Is this not an extension of truth and contentment?

Agur closes by calling out to the foolish and arrogant. He invites them to cover their mouths, ceasing their evil words and behaviors. May we too guard our words, offering good words, silencing the evil.

Prayer: Lord God, open our eyes to your presence and guidance in our lives. Bring for a contentment in you and a trust in your word. Fill our hearts and mouths with your truths. Lead us to walk in the way that leads to life eternal. Amen.