
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Outside the Norms

Reading: Matthew 11:16-19

Verse 17: “We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.”

In today’s passage Jesus is concluding his response to John the Baptist’s inquiry about whether or not Jesus is the one, the Messiah. After speaking of their prophetic ministries in verses 4-11 he turns both to John and to the general audience and asks, “To what can I compare this generation?” In his answer to this question Jesus quotes a song sung in the market by children: “We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.”

Jesus’ ministry was one of welcome and hospitality, of engaging those who needed his saving love. Yes, Jesus taught in the temple and synagogues. But he also touched lepers and blind men and the lame, sending them away singing for joy. He ate with tax collectors and other ‘sinners,’ sharing the love of God in what we might call “low places.” John the Baptist preached repentance from sins and, yes, offered baptism as a sign of a changed life. He fasted and ate honey and wild locusts and lived out in the wilderness. Both John and Jesus ministered in ways far outside the norms.

Jesus’ ministry of love and joy, of welcome and acceptance, was likened to the flute played at weddings. Many in his generation refused to dance along with Jesus. John’s ministry was challenging and hard, calling people to look within, much like we do at funerals. This same generation refused to sing along with John’s call to holy and devout living. Jesus was dismissed as a “glutton and drunkard” while John was dismissed as one possessed by a “demon.”

Today in our generation people reject Jesus, God, faith… We too are called outside the walls of the church, outside the social and religious norms, and into the places that John Wesley called “vile” – all to find opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with a world in need. In faith and trust may we too go forth to share the love of Christ with the least, the lost, and the lonely. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, drive us outside of the comfortable and the easy. Lead us to the questionable places and people, bringing with us a song of faith and hope and joy and love. Give us the strength to enter those hard places – places of loss, grief, change – in order to bring new life. Use us today, O Lord. Amen.