
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Foundational Truths… Practices… Disciplines

Readings: Psalms 13-16

‭Psalm 16:8 – “I always put the LORD in front of me; I will not stumble because he is on my right side.”

Psalm 13 begins with a series of questions that all ask “How long?” This pattern of repetition for emphasis is found in many Psalms and throughout the Bible. To these questions the psalmist adds, “Look at me! Answer me, Lord my God!” When we are in a “how long?” experience or season, these thoughts are on our minds too. The feel shifts in verse 5, where God’s faithful love, salvation, and goodness become the rock on which the psalmist will stand during this present storm. May we too claim these foundational truths.

Psalms 14 and 15 wrestle with what it means to live for God and what it means to live for the world. These Psalms invite us to reflect on which person we are. Are we the fool, the wicked, the sinful… OR… are we the righteous, the blameless, the thankful? In reality we are mostly one or the other. The goal is to be “the person who lives free of blame, does what is right, and speaks the truth sincerely… who does no harm.” This worthy life is mirrored in two of John Wesley’s “3 Simple Rules.” May we too live these foundational practices.

Psalm 16 is a song of faith in God. God is the psalmist’s refuge and protector. God is the psalmist’s portion, cup, and provider of good things. In turn, this is the psalmist’s commitment to God: “I always put the LORD in front of me; I will not stumble because he is on my right side.” Instruction from God’s word coupled with God’s daily presence prevents stumbling as we seek to “walk in the way of life.” May we too strive to live out these foundational faith disciplines.

Prayer: Lord God, you are the way, the truth, and the life. Lead and guide us to choose you and your ways over the selfish and sinful ways of worldly living. Help us to focus on and to live out your faithful love, your goodness, your truth. Be our sure foundation and our eternal hope. Amen.