
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The Lord Gives Light

Reading: Proverbs 27-29

‭Proverbs 28:13 – “Those who hide their sins won’t succeed, but those who confess and give them up will receive mercy.”

The value, weight, and power of our words is a major focus today. To brag, that’s dangerous because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Pride lays people low, but humility gains honor. A good word holds power as iron sharpens iron. Bruises (correction) from a friend are better than kisses from an enemy (flattery.) Correcting someone (in love) brings favor. Flattery is just “a net for their feet.”

Good and wise words have little effect on fools. Even grinding them in the mortar won’t drive out their foolishness. The simpleton sees and rushes towards evil and receives punishment. The wise see evil and hide from it. Fools are stubborn. The warning: after many corrections they will suddenly be broken. The wise? “Those who confess and give them up will receive mercy.”

There are certainly outcomes to our choices. One can be wealthy and walk a crooked path. Or one can be poor and walk in innocence. Fools trust their own understanding and suffer. Walk in wisdom and be safe. Work the land and have plenty to eat. Spend your energy on “worthless pursuits” and have plenty of poverty.

Lastly, the sage touches on care for the poor. If we give to the poor we will lack nothing. But if we turn a blind eye, then we will be “greatly cursed.” The righteous know the rights of the poor because they listen to God’s Instruction. The fools do not understand. They won’t listen. Yet the sage also reminds us that the poor and the oppressor have this in common: “The Lord gives light to the eyes of both.” Wisdom calls out to all of humanity. Will we have eyes to see and ears to hear?

Prayer: Lord God, guide us in our walk as we choose between wise and foolish, between good and evil, between you and the world. Fill our hearts with your instruction, with your wisdom. Steer us clear of the crooked path and the lies of folly. Pour words of healing and truth into our hearts. Guard us against speaking words that harm or oppress. May your light and love flow from each of us, flooding this world with your presence. Amen.