
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Praise God!

Readings: Psalms 145-150

‭Psalm 145:8 – “The LORD is merciful and compassionate, very patient, and full of faithful love.”

We close our time in the Psalms with Psalm 145 and then the “Hallelujah” Psalms, 146-150. These five begin and end with “Praise the Lord” – our translation of the original Hebrew: “hallelu” and “yah.”

Psalm 145 calls for us to praise the Lord, from one generation to the next. This praise is “proclaiming your mighty acts.” Doing so leads the worshippers to “rave in celebration.” That’s a phrase we don’t find often in the Bible! In verse 8 the psalmist writes, “The LORD is merciful and compassionate, very patient, and full of faithful love.” Because of these traits, the psalmist can also write, “The Lord is close to everyone who calls on him.” True and true!

Psalms 146-150 celebrate God’s mighty acts, each with their own focus. Psalm 146 celebrates the God who brings justice to the oppressed and who frees the prisoners, the God who protects the immigrants and who straightens the bent. Psalm 147 celebrates this compassionate heart of God and then adds thanks for God’s generous hand in nature. Psalm 148 calls all of creation to praise God – sun, moon, and stars, hills and trees, all creatures, including “kings of the earth and every single person.” Psalm 149 calls for praise and expresses the belief that the execution of justice will bring honor to God and God’s people. Lastly, Psalm 150 closes with a snapshot of worship. Any and all instruments will be used to praise God. May that include our voices!

Prayer: Lord God, yes, we are called to praise you, to lift your name on high. Lead us to join all of creation in worshipping your holy name. Open our hearts to pour forth praise from our lips. All glory and honor and praise to you, O God! Amen.