
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Prayer, Patience, Joy

Reading: Romans 12:9-21

Verse 12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12 begins with a call to be “living sacrifices.” This term and the words that Paul uses to flesh it out bring to mind Christ’s example and his instructions on loving one another well. In today’s passage we receive some specific and direct examples on how to love one another well. As was the case in verses 1-8, so is the case in verses 9-21: these ways of living are possible only through the power and grace of God.

Paul’s primary audience here is the church. This letter is written to the believers in Corinth, addressing some of the issues they’re facing. It is in the Bible because it has application for all believers. Most make perfect sense: “cling to what is good… honor one another above yourselves… share with those in need…” Some are a little harder: “keep your spiritual fervor… mourn with those who mourn… do not be proud… live at peace with everyone.” And then there are a few, to be honest, that make us pause: “bless those who persecute you… do not repay anyone evil for evil… do not take revenge…” All of these are interwoven and mixed together – just like in life. I think that’s because “easier” ones like “share with those in need” become a whole lot harder right after they’ve abused or persecuted you.

Today the key verse that stood out to me was verse 12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” These three call us to God and to relying on God’s power and grace. Practically speaking, I think we need to work these backwards. Pray, pray, and pray some more. In difficult times, allow prayer to build your patience. Practice patience again and again. Then, through these two practices, we can be joyful in hope. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, Paul tosses us quite the list. Even on a good day some can be quite challenging. Yet we are not called to this faithful way of living and loving just on good days. It has to be a 24/7 lifestyle. Lord, we need you. Pour out your power and grace over and over, filling us up again and again so that we can live daily as faithful examples in this world. Amen.