
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Not So Tightly

Readings: Leviticus 24, Leviticus 25, Leviticus 26, Leviticus 27

Leviticus 25:23 – “The land must not be permanently sold because the land is mine. You are just immigrants and foreign guests of mine.”

Photo credit: Javardh

We draw to the close of our time in Leviticus today. The last four chapters begin with commands concerning the eternally burning lamp stand, its oil, and the bread for the table of God. Punishment for blaspheming and assault are clarified. Standards are set so that the punishment fits the crime. Standards are also set for the land’s sabbatical year and for the Year of Jubilee. The land is given a year to rest, to lie fallow. God promises to provide generously, as was done with the manna, to carry Israel through.

The Year of Jubilee is a 50-year reset. Land and debts are restored or forgiven. Values are set according to this special year – both in buying and selling, even for those in servitude or hardship. This year of restoration is grounded in the spirit of verse 23: “The land must not be permanently sold because the land is mine. You are just immigrants and foreign guests of mine.” The land, the crops and herds… our time, our resources, our wealth – it is all God’s. Don’t cling so tightly to it.

In chapter 26 covenant blessings are followed by covenant curses. The blessings are fewer numerically – ample food, peace, victory in battle, prosperity, population growth, God’s presence. The curses are stacked in if-then, escalating scenarios. Verses 14-39 remind me of the plagues in Egypt. Yet as bad as it gets – and it does get bad as all of these curses unfold – we still have verses 40-42. If Israel confesses, if they humble their hearts and repent, then God will remember the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – “because I am the Lord their God “

Leviticus closes with dedications and gifts to the Lord. Dedication values are set for people (??!); homes, land, and livestock belong to the Lord. Jubilee rules apply. We close with the command that 1/10 of the produce of the land and 1/10 of the herd or flock belongs to God. Again, don’t cling to it so tightly.

Prayer: Lord God, your grace and mercy, your love and care flow freely. Yet we are to live in covenant. We have responsibilities. Or are they responses to your blessings? Help us to understand this relationship correctly. Amen.