
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Reading: 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18

Verse 17b: “And so we will be with the Lord forever.”

Today’s words from Paul connect really well with the themes and ideas around All-Saints’ Day. In Revelation 7 the vision of heaven and all its glory brought hope to the believers suffering in John’s time. These words offer hope to all believers. The Thessalonians aren’t quite there yet. The vision detailed in Revelation probably hasn’t reached them. They are concerned with the souls of those who have died (“fallen asleep”) before Jesus returned. The common belief was that Jesus was coming back any day, soon. They fear that these souls might miss out or forever be trapped in limbo.

Paul begins to address their fears and concerns by assuring them that because Jesus died and rose again that one day all who believe in him will one day rise with him. Paul further assures them using Jesus’ own teachings. He reminds them that Jesus taught that when he returns “the dead in Christ will rise first.” Those who have fallen asleep will indeed join Jesus in glory. Paul then turns to those who are alive, reminding them that Jesus taught that those who are still alive “will be caught up together with them.” All who call on Jesus as Lord and Savior “will be with the Lord forever.” What words of hope and encouragement Paul shared with the Thessalonians and with us!

The underlying question that bubbles up here for me is this: What is required of me so that I am one day a part of this heavenly gathering? I first turn to Micah 6:8. These words are my daily prayer of commitment to God. Each day I strive to act justly, to love mercy and kindness, and to walk humbly with the Lord. These words and actions focus and frame my day. What words and practices guide you to living in a way that brings honor and glory to God?

Prayer: Lord, justice, mercy, kindness, and humility – they are a good start but I know that this is not all that is required of me. By the power of your Holy Spirit fill me with your love and compassion, with your grace and forgiveness. Show me the way to daily serve you and neighbor. Amen.