
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Reading: Romans 9:1-5

Verses 4b and 5a: “Theirs is the adoption… Theirs are the patriarchs…”

Paul himself had a very radical and powerful conversion experience. He encountered the living Christ and was struck blind. Three days later he experienced a miraculous restoration of his sight. His life changed forever as he now saw with fresh eyes. Most of us do not have a “lightning” type conversion experience. For most of us, faith comes slowly, over time, with many small steps leading to our intentional choice to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.

In the last two verses of our Epistle reading Paul speaks of his people, of “the people of Israel.” He lists the many things that they have that could lead them to also accept Jesus as Messiah: adopted as God’s chosen people, receivers of the Law and covenants and promises, worshippers in the temple. He adds that they also have the patriarchs. These are the greats of the faith – Abraham, Moses, Elijah… From Paul’s perspective and new understanding all of this points to Jesus as the Messiah. It all adds up for Paul. But for most of the Jews, it does not. They do not have an encounter or experience that has moved them across the line of belief.

Today there are many people who were raised in the church as children and youth but are not part of a church anymore. This is not to say that they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Many do. Yet active participation in a church community does not add up for a lot of people. They have the Bible, they know Jesus’ teachings and promises… Just as it did for Paul, my heart and soul aches for these folks. We long for a revival in our communities and in our nation. May it begin with you and me as we seek to minister to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Prayer: Lord, use my hunger and hurt for the disconnected, for the hurt, for the disenfranchised to rebuild connections, to rekindle fires for you. In love use me to help folks re-cross the line of active belief. Show me the way to rebuild this part of your kingdom here on earth. Amen.