
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Faith Rises Up

Reading: Matthew 14:24-33

Verse 27: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

As Jesus sent the disciples off across the lake all seemed well. Jesus often went away to pray. But what began as a simple journey across the lake became a scary and dangerous situation. “Life” can happen like this to us too. We’re sailing along and all of a sudden we’re in the middle of a storm. The storms of life can be physical, relational, emotional, spiritual, or a combination of these. As it was with the disciples, fear and doubt and worry often arise in our storms.

Late into the night, when the wind and the waves have been against them for a long time, the disciples first see Jesus as a ghost. He has not been their focus so far. If he was, they’d have recognized him. Speaking into their storm, Jesus says, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” He encourages them with his presence. With him they can find courage – and hope. Both come with Jesus’ presence. So they do not need to fear or doubt or worry. Once again in his presence, their faith rises up against the storm. This allows Peter to step out onto the waves.

In the midst of our inevitable storms, when will we choose to look for Jesus? He will be there from the start because he is always with us. When we choose to look past the wind and the waves, when we choose to look beyond our fears and doubts and worries, we will instantly be in Jesus’ presence. There, our faith will rise up. In his presence we too can step out onto the waves, knowing that we are not alone. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Lord God, in my storms may I choose to turn to you as the wind and waves rise up. Lead me to look to you before the fears, doubts, worries… climb high. Grant me the courage to trust into your presence and to reach out to you. Amen.