
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The Initial Journey

Reading: Psalm 119:1-88

‭Psalm 119:32 – “I run the same path as your commandments because you give my heart insight.”

Today and tomorrow we delve into Psalm 119. It is the longest chapter in the Bible, with 176 verses and just over 2,400 words. Although lost in translation, the Psalm’s original structure was amazing. It is an acrostic poem. Each stanza begins with one of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. What’s amazing is that they go in order. What’s really amazing is that in its original form, all eight lines in each stanza all started with that same letter. One last nerdy note: the psalmist used eight different words for the “Law.” This is the focus of Psalm 119.

Alef and Bet begin the Psalm. Their common theme is faith in youth. There is a longing to know God’s ways better. This only comes with time and experience. Gimel and Dalet introduce some lament or suffering. The psalmist’s young faith is “worn out” by studying the Law. Perhaps this feeling arises because challenges have arisen to test their faith. Some are within and some are without. We too experience these situations as we seek to grow in our faith, trust, assurance…

In He and Waw it feels like the psalmist has turned the corner, has gotten through the initial season of testing. The response comes in pleas to help them keep the Law. There is a knowledge that testing will come. Zayin and Khet return to suffering and trial. The psalmist recognizes God’s comfort and mercy. In Tet and Yod the words turn personal. Their maturing faith acknowledges that the suffering was just and that it led them to repentance. The lessons were good for their faith growth. We too learn much in the valleys.

Today’s portion of Psalm 119 closes with Kaf, the 11th letter. The psalmist’s life has returned to a time of testing. They now yearn for God’s help. They ask “How long?” Growth has occurred, though. Instead of the defeated attitude of a young faith, like we see in Gimel and Dalet, there is now a confidence that God will come through again. The psalmist is resolute about walking in faith. May it be so for us as well.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the encouragement and for the reminder that faith is a journey. We do not begin and find ourselves at perfection. Faith is a long and slow and steady walk into a deeper and deeper relationship with you. Give us strength for the journey. Bless us with grace when we stray. Grant us perseverance. Walk with us. Amen.