
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Wrestling with God

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Reading: Genesis 32:22-31

Verse 28: “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”

Photo credit: Rainier Ridao

In this week’s Genesis account we find the most intimate and humanly personal encounters with God that we have recorded in the scriptures. Yes, many in the Bible have intimate and personal conversations with God. But none have this close, intimate, physical encounter with God.

Often when we wrestle with God or with our faith we emerge feeling as if we’ve gone a few rounds with a worthy opponent. After intense prayer sessions we can feel drained. Leaving a worship space after a moving and powerful experience can remind us of a good physical workout too. Wrestling with who and what we are as followers of Jesus Christ is something that requires effort and energy and commitment.

In the literal sense we know that this is what was required of Jacob as he wrestled with God (or with the “man of God” in many translations.) I imagine a conversation running throughout this bout. Spiritual points would be made at strategic shifts in the actual wrestling match. This move and counter-move flow is not atypical of our relationship with God.

As God works in our lives the Holy Spirit acts as our guide and as our advocate, as our disciplinarian and as our corrector. We wrestle with things like giving up that dear sin and with dying to self. The Spirit holds on, not giving up, not letting go, not giving in. When faithful, we do the same. It is then that we emerge a bit closer to God. In these wrestling matches, like Jacob, we grow. For this we too can say, thanks be to God!

Prayer: Lord God, what a battle we have some days. My spirit wanting to go this way or to do this thing, your Spirit trying to lead me a better way. When I try to run, when I try to avoid the match, hold onto me. Don’t let go until you’ve accomplished your purposes, your vision, your goal for me. Draw me deeper into relationship. Make me more willing. Change my heart, O God. Conform me today closer to who you made me to be. Amen.

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