
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

People of Forgiveness

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Reading: Matthew 18:28-35

Verse 33: “Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?”

As we continue today in the gospel lesson for this week, we see that the servant now goes out, fresh from being forgiven a huge debt. But instead of being filled with joy and good will he latches onto a fellow servant who owes his a small sum. Demanding payment and refusing to be patient, he has the man thrown into jail, where he will remain until the debt is paid.

Other servants see what has happened. Knowing how great a debt this man has been forgiven, they are “greatly distressed” by how he treats his fellow servant. They go to the king to right this great wrong. It all is so unfair. I don’t know about you, but I have and I can act this way at times. I know that God and others have forgiven me for things big and small and every place in between. I did not deserve to be forgiven some of the time. Yet I was. Even knowing all this and being so grateful for such mercy and grace, I can struggle to forgive someone for the smallest thing. I get stubborn or arrogant or prideful and it becomes hard to let something go, to get to the place of forgiveness. At times I’m not so unlike this forgiven servant.

The king (God, right?) is so upset with this man that he says, “You wicked servant.” He reminds the man (us) of how much was forgiven. Then he asks this pointed question: “Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” It is a great reminder for us. The man is then thrown into prison (hell). Jesus closes the parable by reminding us all that God will treat us this way too if we refuse to forgive one another. Each Sunday we pray for the ability and strength to do just this. May this passage and our weekly prayer reminder help us to be people of forgiveness always and without condition or limit. This is what God offers us. May we go and do likewise.

Prayer: Lord God, without your grace and mercy that leads to forgiveness, I would face a most dreadful future. Without practicing your model of grace, mercy, and forgiveness, my relationships would be a shambles. Thank you for showing me the way to truly live and love. Empower me to live it out daily. Amen.

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