
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

A Disconnect

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Reading: Matthew 21:33-46

Verse 46: “They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.”

This week’s gospel lesson is a parable about some tenants who reject, refuse, abuse, and even kill the messengers sent to them. This parable is an extension of Jesus’ answer to the chief priests and elders question: “By what authority are you doing these things?” (Matthew 21:23) In this second response Jesus and the religious leaders take center stage. In the parable the tenants refuse to listen to messenger after messenger. They even refuse to listen to the landowner’s son. They kill him, thinking they can take the inheritance (the vineyard) for themselves. Asking those who have killed the messengers and prophets what should happen to these tenants, the religious leaders answer, “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end.” Trap set, bait taken.

Beginning in verse 42, Jesus unpacks the parable. Quoting from the Old Testament he speaks of a “marvelous thing” that God has done and of the rejection that he, “the capstone,” is currently experiencing. Speaking even more directly, he point blank tells the religious leaders that the kingdom of God (the vineyard) will be taken from them and given to those “who will produce fruit.” The religious leaders are stung by these words and their truth. They do not see the disconnect that has grown between their faith and the way that they live out their religion. Instead, they begin to think about how they can arrest and eventually eliminate the vineyard owner’s son.

Moving to today, I ask: Are we and are our churches producing fruit? We are good, I believe, at tending to our buildings, to our worship services, to our sheep. But are we producing fruit? Are we making new disciples of Jesus Christ? In the parable, the religious leaders wait to arrest Jesus because the people held that he was a prophet.” There is not a disconnect here with the people. There continues to be a crowd out there that holds Jesus as a prophet, as an important part of their lives. And there is a disconnect between their faith and the institutional church. Once again, are we and are our churches being fruitful? Put another way, have we hunkered down inside the walls or are we stepping out into the world, seeking to make disciples of Christ, seeking to form a new connection? Have we, as followers of Jesus Christ and as churches, in essence rejected the model of the one who went out into his world, loving far beyond the walls of the temple and synagogues?

Prayer: Lord, open our eyes and our heart to the commission given by the capstone. Send us our, seeking to engage and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Move us beyond the comfort of our walls, out into the world, out where Jesus found the harvest to be most plentiful. Amen.

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