
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Love Lived Out

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Reading: 1st Thessalonians 2:1-8

Verse 8: “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

Paul’s ministry in Thessalonica is the focus of today’s passage. Paul, Silas, and Timothy preached the good news of Jesus Christ “with the help of our God.” In spite of opposition they spoke boldly. While the fruit of their faithfulness was converts to Christ, Paul clearly states that their ministry was offered to please God alone. And in order to best minister there, in order not to be a “burden,” Paul’s habit was to find work in each community, allowing him to care for them in the best way possible.

While we may feel like we live in a much different time than Paul and company lived, the principles and practices shared in today’s passage are very relevant to our faith and to our witness. Paul’s primary focus was to share Jesus. All he did and said and thought was aimed at this focus. Do we use all that we are and all that we have to share the good news? They spoke boldly, not fearing whatever opposition that may come. Do we speak boldly of our faith or do we worry more about what others might think or say about us? Do we allow the “cost” to sway how we go about witnessing to our faith?

And, perhaps most importantly today, are we “gentle” and caring with all of those that we encounter and engage? In a world that often sees Christianity in a negative light, do our words and actions always help people to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ? Do those we witness to feel that we are doing our “job” or do they feel what people felt when they met Paul or Jesus – our desire to be in relationship, to share our lives as well?

Prayer: Lord God, may we truly be your love lived out today. When others look at us, when they talk with us, when they spend time with us, may they feel like they have been in your presence. Guide us, Lord, to be gentle and kind with all we meet. And empower us to be bold in our sharing of the good news. In all of these things may others come to know your love and our love. Amen.

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