
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

When Will They Learn?

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Readings: Numbers 11, Numbers 12, Numbers 13, Numbers 14

Numbers 14:8 – “If the LORD is pleased with us, he’ll bring us into this land and give it to us.”

Photo credit: Anne Nygard

Chapters 11-14 are a great summary of the Israelites time in the wilderness. It has it all: complaint and grumbling, anger and punishment, faith and doubt, trust and fear, intercession and forgiveness, victory and defeat.

Our reading begins with a little grumbling. God’s fire burns against this unnamed complaint, burning the edges of camp – a sign of warning. Some “riffraff” ignore the warning. They allow their craving for meat to lead to grumbling and a longing for those “better days” in Egypt. Moses is frustrated and overwhelmed. God responds by giving him leaders to help bear the weight of leadership. And God brings waves and waves of quail. God will be so abundant that “it will come out of your nostrils and nauseate you.” God’s anger then burns against the riffraff. They are buried there in the desert.

The complaining turns personal as Aaron and Miriam question Moses’ leadership. They are jealous. They claim a connection to God that only Moses has. Miriam is struck with a skin disease. Aaron begs for Moses to intercede. Miriam must bear the shame of their sin for seven days. After her isolation period she is healed and returns to camp.

Chapters 13 and 14 cover the exploration of the Promised Land and the people’s lack of faith and trust. The spies return with huge grapes and stories of huge people and fortified cities. Caleb tries to rally the people. Rumors ensue and soon the people are discouraged. The people once again long for Egypt – or at least to die in the desert instead of by the sword. Joshua then speaks, trying to rally their faith. He says, “If the LORD is pleased with us, he’ll bring us into this land and give it to us.” That is a really big “if.” The people want to stone Joshua and Caleb.

God’s anger burns hot as God decides to start over with just Moses. Moses intercedes again and God’s anger relents. But there will be a consequence: those 20+ will indeed die in the desert. They will wander for 40 years – one year for each day of exploration. Bitter mourning follows this news. And yet a group decides to enter the Promised Land anyway. Moses warns them. They are struck down by the people of Canaan.

Prayer: Lord God, how clear are the results of faith versus fear, of obedience versus disobedience. I start to think, when will they learn?! And then I realize that we’re still learning, that I’m still learning. Thank you, Lord, for your unending love and for your enduring faithfulness. You give mercy and grace that we and I don’t deserve. Yet it flows generously and abundantly. Thank you, God. Amen.

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