
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

A Temple and a Palace

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Readings: 1st Kings 5, 1st Kings 6, 1st Kings 7, 1st Kings 8

1st Kings 8:58 – “May God draw our hearts to him to walk in all his ways and observe his commands, his laws, and his judgments.”

In today’s chapters the temple and Solomon’s palace are constructed. The King of Tyre, Hiram, reiterates the promise he made to David. Solomon and Hiram make an agreement. Solomon will receive wood and Hiram will receive wheat and oil. A huge work force is called up. The temple is 90′ by 30′ and is 45′ tall. It is beautiful and ornate and much is covered in gold. After 7 years, the temple is built. Hiram comes and makes items for the outer area: pillars, a huge tank, stands, washbasins… – all of bronze. For the inside items are made of gold: altar, table, lampstands…

Solomon is also building his palace. It will be 150′ by 75′ and is 45′ tall. It is much larger than the temple but is also much less ornate… It takes 13 years to finish the palace. As this is ongoing, the temple is dedicated. The ark of the covenant is brought into the Holy of Holies. God’s glory fills the temple. Solomon offers a long and beautiful prayer. He begins by acknowledging that there is no god like the one God. He acknowledges the covenant and God’s loyalty. He calls for the temple to be the center of worship and the focus of their faith. Whether famine or plague or sin or enemy invasion or exile, he calls on the people to look to the temple, to repent, to pray to God, and to turn their hearts fully to God. Solomon asks God to listen to their prayers and to do what is right. He closes and then offers an invitation: “May God draw our hearts to him to walk in all his ways and observe his commands, his laws, and his judgments.”

Extravagant sacrifices are made to dedicate the temple and courtyard. This is followed by a great celebration that lasts 14 days. The people are dismissed. They bless the king and head to their tents happy and pleased. It is a good day.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the picture painted today – a king and a people focused on doing something for your glory. Thank you for the example of a people with hearts turned fully towards you. Lead us to walk in these ways. Amen.

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