
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

God Is Still God

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Readings: Psalms 73-75

‭Psalm 74:1 – “Why does your anger smolder at the sheep of your own pasture?”

Psalm 73 faces a reality that we all deal with from time to time. The psalmist envies the wealth and blessings of the wicked. The psalmist states, “I’ve kept my heart pure for no good reason.” He feels as if he stayed innocent for nothing – except to be weighed down by hard work. We can feel this way. We can question if holding onto our faith is really worth it. We can be jealous of what others have: wealth, power, health, popularity. The psalmist then enters the sanctuary. He prayed. He understood that the wicked will perish and that God is always with him. He declares that God is “my heart rock and my share forever.” Hallelujah!

Communal tragedy has struck in Psalm 74. The enemy has won, the temple is burned down, no prophet is left. The psalmist asks the “how long?” question: “Why does your anger smolder at the sheep of your own pasture?” A shift comes in verse 12. Remembered are the mighty works of God’s hand. The psalmist calls on God to remember the covenant. He cries out, “God, rise up! Make your case!” Prove to us and to the world that God is still God.

Psalm 75 closes today’s readings. It “balances” Psalms 73 and 74. It is a promise that God’s justice will come. It is a reminder that God will bring this person down (the wicked) and that God will raise up that person (the righteous.) It is a Psalm that trusts deeply in who and what God is and will be. May we too live righteous lives, trusting in our God of justice and righteousness.

Prayer: Lord God, when our flesh longs for the things of this world, remind us of your everlasting love. When envy or jealousy rises up in our hearts, remind us that you are a jealous God. And when tragedy strikes, remind us of your peace that passes all understanding. Lead us to rest and trust in you. Amen.

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God Is Still God

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Readings: Psalms 73-75

‭Psalm 74:1 – “Why does your anger smolder at the sheep of your own pasture?”

Psalm 73 faces a reality that we all deal with from time to time. The psalmist envies the wealth and blessings of the wicked. The psalmist states, “I’ve kept my heart pure for no good reason.” He feels as if he stayed innocent for nothing – except to be weighed down by hard work. We can feel this way. We can question if holding onto our faith is really worth it. We can be jealous of what others have: wealth, power, health, popularity. The psalmist then enters the sanctuary. He prayed. He understood that the wicked will perish and that God is always with him. He declares that God is “my heart rock and my share forever.” Hallelujah!

Communal tragedy has struck in Psalm 74. The enemy has won, the temple is burned down, no prophet is left. The psalmist asks the “how long?” question: “Why does your anger smolder at the sheep of your own pasture?” A shift comes in verse 12. Remembered are the mighty works of God’s hand. The psalmist calls on God to remember the covenant. He cries out, “God, rise up! Make your case!” Prove to us and to the world that God is still God.

Psalm 75 closes today’s readings. It “balances” Psalms 73 and 74. It is a promise that God’s justice will come. It is a reminder that God will bring this person down (the wicked) and that God will raise up that person (the righteous.) It is a Psalm that trusts deeply in who and what God is and will be. May we too live righteous lives, trusting in our God of justice and righteousness.

Prayer: Lord God, when our flesh longs for the things of this world, remind us of your everlasting love. When envy or jealousy rises up in our hearts, remind us that you are a jealous God. And when tragedy strikes, remind us of your peace that passes all understanding. Lead us to rest and trust in you. Amen.

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