
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Rested and Ready

Reading: Matthew 25:1-13

Verse 6: “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’”

Photo credit: Kyle Johnson

Today’s parable comes in a section that Matthew has put together addressing the kingdom of heaven. In today’s teaching Jesus talks about the time of his return and of what is required of us. This day the parable rests upon the connected ideas of rest and preparation. The interconnected nature of preparation and rest brings me back to a study and retreat that a men’s group did on “margin.” If we are to be able to say “yes” when God calls, then we need to build space into our lives so that we have the capacity to respond. We learned that in order to have time to do these unplanned but important things, we have to guard against busyness and against filling every single moment of every day with items that we place on our calendars.

In our parable today ten bridesmaids (or virgins, depending on your translation) await the coming of the bridegroom. Five come prepared and five do not. The bridegroom is delayed and the night grows long. Rest becomes necessary. At midnight a cry is heard: “Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!” Those who were prepared spring into action, trimming their lamps, readying themselves to escort the bridegroom to the wedding feast. They enter the great feast with the bridegroom. The five who were unprepared (but rested) miss out. When they come late to the party the bridegroom refuses them entry, saying, “I don’t know you.” They did not journey with him.

In Jesus’ teaching both rest and preparation are essential. Rest (or margin) provides us the energy (and space) to be ready and able to respond to the call when the kingdom of God draws near. Preparation is essential because it is what fuels and drives our ability to respond as Christ in the world. Whenever the call comes, may we be ready and prepared – both physically and spiritually.

Prayer: Lord God, prepare me, day by day, to have a heart that senses your call and to have a heart willing and able to respond to that need, to that ministry opportunity, to that person in distress. And grant me moments of holy rest so that I have all I need, built up in reserve, so that I can respond faithfully and with all the necessary effort and energy. Amen.