
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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With Joy and Gladness

Reading: Psalm 45:10-17

Verse 15: “Led in with joy and gladness, they enter the palace of the king.”

Our passage from Psalm 45 is part of a “wedding song.” David writes in verses 1-9 of the mighty groom. This king has been anointed with grace, majesty, truth, humility, and righteousness. He will sit on the throne forever. As Christians reading this Psalm, we understand the king to be Jesus Christ. This is the language that Jesus and others will use to describe Jesus and his relationship with us.

In our portion of the Psalm, David turns to the other half of the wedding party: the bride. The bride represents the church. Listen to the opening verses from this perspective: “Forget your people and your father’s house.” Turn away from the world and the things of this world. Commit yourself to God in Christ. “The king is enthralled by your beauty.” The king loves you, is enthralled by you, and sees you as beautiful. This is how Christ sees the church. It is how Jesus sees those in the church. This is how the king sees you.

The bride and her attendants are led into the king’s presence “with joy and gladness.” They are blessed and happy to be in the presence of the king. You and I are invited into this presence. We are invited to live in a relationship with our Lord and King. We are invited into his joy and gladness. May we choose to enter his courts. May we choose to dwell with the Lord forevermore!

Prayer: Lord God, oh what love you have for us, your church, and for me, your disciple. Lord, draw us deeper and deeper into your love. Pour out upon us your grace and joy, your humility and righteousness, filling us with all of you. Enable us to walk lovingly and faithfully all of our days. Amen.