
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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God Looks Within

Reading: Proverbs 31

‭Proverbs 31:30 – “Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

Photo credit: Diego Gennaro

As we close our Proverbs we read from Lemuel, also from Massa. Our passage begins with the words the king heard from his mother. She warns him against the woman of folly who steals men’s strength. She warns him against strong drink – it leads one to forget the Law and the rights of the needy. She encourages him to speak for the voiceless and to judge righteously, defending the poor and needy.

In verse 10 the focus shifts to the “competent wife.” Recent scholars believe this poem is really about Lady Wisdom and not some earthly woman. The elevated status she enjoys in these words would’ve been most unlikely in the ancient world. Even so, this can represent the ideal, then and now, for all of us.

The “competent wife” possesses the traits of Lady Wisdom. She brings good, not trouble. She works joyfully with her hands, even at night. She buys vineyards and makes and sells garments. She cares for the poor and needy. She is confident about the future because “her mouth is full of wisdom; kindly teaching is on her tongue.” Her children bless her and her husband praises her. Indeed, her value is “far above pearls.”

A good and competent woman – or any person for that matter – will possess these qualities. They are inner qualities. In verse 30 we are reminded, “Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” God looks within to see who and what we are. May that be pleasing in God’s sight.

Prayer: Lord God, help us all to aspire to the example set by Lady Wisdom, an extension of you. Guide us to work diligently and joyfully, to stand and speak for the voiceless, to care for those in need, and to honor you above all else. Amen.

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Forever Love

Reading: Psalm 89: 20-37

Verse 24: “My faithful love will be with him, and through my name his strength will be exalted”.

Photo credit: Pat Whelen

In our Psalm today God’s covenant with David and with Israel is celebrated. Early in his life David was identified by God and was anointed with sacred oil by Samuel the prophet. From that day on, the Spirit of God was with David. In most Christian denominations today, this idea of anointing is mirrored in our sacrament of baptism. As a baby in some traditions or as a believer in other traditions, we “anoint” a person with water, marking them as a child of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit becomes a part of that person’s life in and through the waters of baptism.

In today’s Psalm, the covenant is God’s steadfast and forever promise of his love. In verse 24 we read, “My faithful love will be with him, and through my name his strength will be exalted”. God’s love will endure, strengthening David and his line. In verse 27 we gain understanding of the ‘forever’ part of the covenant. Here God tells us that he will “appoint my firstborn” to David’s line and that his Son will be “the most exalted of the kings of the earth”. Jesus Christ is the one at whose name “every knee shall bow” (Romans 14:11). In and through Jesus, the “covenant with him will never fail”. Thanks be to God!

In the next few verses God acknowledges that David’s sons (and humanity in general) will “forsake my law” and will “violate my decrees”. Yes, God will punish the sin but he will not take his love away or betray his faithfulness. God reiterates that the covenant will remain forever. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are part of this covenant too. Sealed with the Holy Spirit at our baptism, we are marked as beloved and chosen sons and daughters of God. Again, today we say thanks be to God for his covenant, forever love of you and me.

Prayer: Lord God, like with David, you lay claim to each of us. Like with David, you declare unending love for each of us. The indwelling Spirit is the constant presence of our inheritance, our eternal place within your love. Thank you for choosing us as a part of your forever family. Amen.