
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Choose His Yoke

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Reading: Matthew 11:25-30

Verse 25: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Photo credit: Nick Fewings

Our passage for today begins with a prayer for those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Faith requires a simple, childlike faith. It does not need intelligence or power or wealth or anything else of this world. No, it is God’s “good pleasure” to reveal the kingdom of heaven to those who are pure of heart. This heart, one free from the clutter and temptations of this world, this heart is the heart to whom Jesus will choose to reveal God.

Then Jesus issues an invitation to such as these. It aligns with the words of his prayer: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” To those tired out by chasing and chasing after the things of this world, to those bowed low because they’ve tried and tried to do life on their own – come to Jesus and find rest. Jesus invites all to take on his yoke, to lean on him, to learn from him, to grow to become humble and gentle – both with ourselves and with others.

Contrary to what you or others may think, Jesus’ yoke is “easy” and his burden is “light.” The yoke of the religious leaders of his day was heavy and burdensome. The yoke of the world today is heavy and burdensome. Jesus’ yoke is easy and light, but not because it is in and of itself. It is easy and light because Jesus carries most of the weight. He hears our burdens, he shoulders our load. He invited us to walk alongside him. There we find rest for our souls, for our bodies, and for our spirits. Doing so we choose to live in and for God’s kingdom of love. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, when I try once again to go it on my own, the load again becomes heavy and hard to bear solo. Then I feel the burden of trying to do it all myself. Humble me so that I gladly and willingly take on your yoke. There I do find rest for my soul and I find strength for the day. Thank you for the invitation and for the gentle reminder. Amen.

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