
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Covered in Christ

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Reading: Romans 13:11-14

Verse 12b: “So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

Our passage today begins with Paul urging the Roman Christians to “wake up from your slumber.” He is calling them to have an urgency about their living. Paul reminds them that they are closer to their salvation than ever before. Driving Paul’s urgency was the belief that Jesus Christ was coming back any day. We too hold this belief but, apparently like his audience, we’ve become rather ho-hum about it. Most of us do not live like the day could be this day.

Paul spells out the choice concerning how Christians are to live in this world. He states that “the night is nearly over.” The time of darkness and evil is coming to a close. While it seems slow by our standards, in God’s time things may be moving along quickly. Not knowing the date of Jesus’ return, we should live like it could be today.

Our passage encourages us to “put on the armor of light.” The alternative choices are spelled out in some detail in verse 13. The light, simply put, involves this: “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.” While this maybe feels simple and generic, it is not. Paul isn’t saying to be kinda like what’s-his-name. He is saying to become like Christ – literally to be so like Christ that we are indistinguishable from Jesus. Doing so we will not only be love lived out, but we will also be covered in the armor of his light. Jesus will be a hedge of protection all around us as we seek to be Christ to and in the world. Thanks be to God. May it be so.

Prayer: Lord God, first, help us to live each day like our salvation will be realized that day. Second, give us the strength to really wear the armor of light – to deny the lures and temptations of this world, to live as aliens yet as examples of Christ’s love. Walk with us, encourage us, empower us today and every day. Amen.

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