
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Just the Beginning

Readings: 2nd Samuel 11, 2nd Samuel 12, 2nd Samuel 13, 2nd Samuel 14

2nd Samuel 11:1 – “In the spring, when kings go off to war, David sent Joab.”

Today begins the downward spiral of David’s reign. It sure begins simply enough. Instead of leading the troops on the annual springtime conquest, David stays behind. David sees Bathsheba as she bathes. Long story short, he sleeps with her and she becomes pregnant. In an attempted cover up, David brings Uriah to town. Given two opportunities to go and sleep with his wife, Uriah does the right thing. He is sent back to the battle front carrying his own death sentence.

God sends Nathan to confront David. He tells a simple story that is really the story of rich David and poor Uriah. David is very angry. Nathan responds, “You are that man!” David recognizes his sin and God forgives him. But the child will die. Soon Solomon is born. David goes out to lead in finishing off the Ammonites.

The next step downward involves two of his sons – Amnon and Absalom. Amnon is in “love” with Absalom’s sister Tamar. Using deceit Amnon arranged an opportunity to rape Tamar. Disgraced, she ends up back in Absalom’s house. Revenge is plotted and executed. Absalom flees to a foreign land.

Joab, a wise man, orchestrates Absalom’s return. These two are cut from the same cloth. Similar to how Nathan drew David in, Joab uses a woman to draw David in. This story also turns and in the end, Absalom is restored to David’s presence. But this is just the beginning of the stories of violence, revenge, and murder. The sword will not leave David’s house.

Prayer: Lord God, today we see how power can corrupt, can be twisted, and can be used for evil. When we are tempted to use our power in these ways, reign us back in. Remind us of the righteousness that you call us to. Bring us to the path that you want us to walk. Amen.

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In All Things

Reading: Romans 8:26-30

Verse 28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love God.”

Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Today and tomorrow we focus on the last portion. We open today’s verses with a great reminder that we have an advocate. Paul reminds us that the Holy Spirit helps us when we are weak by praying for us. These are not just random prayers. No, the Spirit searches our hearts and prays for exactly what we need. These prayers are awesome in two main ways. First, the Spirit prays for us according to God’s will. Second, this Spirit is the very Spirit of Christ – the one who walked among us, the one who knows our trials and struggles and temptations personally. We have a great team on our side!

In verse 28 we read, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love God.” We first note that Paul says, “in all things.” God does not cause all things. Yes, God designed the world and it operates according to God’s design. Death and disease and sin and poor choices are part of this world, and are part of “life.” God does not scheme and orchestrate, causing bad or difficult things to happen so that God can swoop in. Yes, our loving God will work through and in all that life can throw at us if we invite God in and if we seek God’s presence.

God designed us in “the likeness of God’s Son.” We are to be like Christ, the one who fully trusted in God. So in all things may we too turn to God, walking and living as Jesus Christ walked and lived, one day also rising to glory.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit and for the intercessions and guidance. Help me to listen better and to follow closer, seeking to be a part of living out your good will for me. Amen.