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Reading: Romans 9:1-5

Verse 2: “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.”

Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao

This week’s Epistle reading comes on the heels of one of the greatest passages about the power we find when we choose to live our life in Jesus Christ. Paul has passionately built the case for faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Romans 8 is one of the most convincing and moving arguments for choosing Jesus as Lord that can be found in the New Testament.

After completing this passage, I bet Paul felt drained. He poured his heart and soul into those words. Concluding that section, I can picture him letting out a big sigh, accompanied with a “Phew!” It was truly a monumental effort. And then his heart and mind turned to the great number of Jews who refused to see Jesus Christ as the Messiah, who refused to believe anything about having a saving faith in Christ.

In verse 2 he writes, “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.” Paul is heartbroken over the peoples’ refusal to even consider Jesus Christ as the Messiah. His compassion for his own people is so great that Paul would gladly be “cursed and cut off from Christ” if the people of Israel would just come to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, as the Son of God. That is a deep compassion.

Is there anyone in your life that you long to see come to Christ? Is the someone for whom your soul aches and your heart longs for because of their refusal to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? For most of us, the answer to both questions is “yes!” Through our prayers and through our witness may we bring these before Christ.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be more intentional about how I am Christ to those who don’t quite know you as Lord and Savior. Use me in whatever ways necessary to draw these to you. Amen.

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