
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Wedding Clothes

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Reading: Matthew 22:11-14

Verse 12: “How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?”

Jametlene Respk

The wedding hall has been filled with guests – “both good and bad.” All we’re invited to come. As we continue in Matthew 22, the king comes and begins to mingle with the guests. Soon he noticed a man who was not dressed properly. The king says to the man, “How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?” While we might be puzzled by this question, Jesus’ audience would’ve known good and well that you dress (and act) for the occasion, especially if you’re invited by the king!

The man in question is bound and tossed into the darkness, where he will weep and gnash his teeth. This harsh metaphor is the reality that some people will face when they meet the King of kings. Then comes the point of the parable: “Many are invited but few are chosen.”

It can be tempting to respond to God’s invitation as this man did. He thought that he could just show up and be acceptable. Here is where some context is really important. Jesus is saying that there is a big difference between being called and being chosen. We are all called into a relationship with Jesus. Matthew’s audience would also understand that the wedding clothes were a metaphor for clothing oneself in Christ. To accept and live out Christ’s invitation into relationship was to put on Christ’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, compassion, hospitality… Understanding this, we can turn to our important question for today: Are you dressed in the proper attire for the great banquet of Christ?

Prayer: Lord God, day by day, as you call me into humble service, may I make the very intentional choice to clothe myself in Christ. Help me to soak in your word, to open my eyes and ears and heart to your Holy Spirit, and to find the strength and courage to live faithfully and righteously each day. Amen.

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