
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Into the Community

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Reading: Luke 2:22-40

Verse 22: “Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.”

The context for today’s passage is Mary and Joseph doing what all devout parents did – they brought Jesus to the temple to be redeemed. This ritual reminds me of our practice of baptism. As is the case with these parents, I can see Mary and Joseph beaming as they bring Jesus before the Lord. They offer the set amount to redeem their son – a sacrifice of two birds, the price required for a poor couple to bring their son back home.

On Sundays when parents present their child for baptism or for dedication, there is a special feeling, a sense of joy really, that covers the sacrament. It is contagious too – the smiles on the faces of the congregation are a little brighter as the child is made a part of the family of God and a part of our faith community. There is a joy in claiming the child and in committing to help that child walk in the way of the Lord.

There is a joy that we find today in Simeon and Anna. Both are devout, Holy Spirit filled Jews that are awaiting “the consolation of Israel” – the Messiah, the Savior. Both speak of the God-driven life that Jesus will lead. Both rejoice in the gift that Jesus is to them and to the world. Both are now at peace in their hearts. It is a beautiful scene.

As I think of baptism and this passage, I can’t quite imagine doing another baptism without incorporating verse 40: “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.” May it be so for each that we welcome into our community of faith.

Prayer: Lord God, there is such joy in dedicating a child to you. It brings happiness to our hearts to welcome them into the body of Christ. Lord, help us all to keep our commitments to these children. Amen.

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