
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Abiding Faith

Readings: Genesis 46, Genesis 47, Genesis 48, Genesis 49, Genesis 50

Genesis 50:24 – “God will certainly take care of you and bring you out of this land to the land he promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.”

Photo credit: Niko Photos

Today we conclude the book of Genesis. In these 15 days we’ve covered the first half of the early story of God’s people. As chapter 46 begins Israel and his entire household move to Egypt, settling in Goshen, “the land’s best location.” There is a joyous reunion with Joseph and a sincere and respectful welcome from Pharaoh. This reflects the place of honor that Joseph has risen to in Egypt.

The famine worsens. The people have given all of their silver for grain. The next year they give their livestock and in the next year they give their land. All now belongs to Pharaoh. Joseph gives the people seed to plant the land. 1/5 of the crops will go to Pharaoh. The people will keep and live off the remaining 4/5.

Chapter 48 begins with Israel blessing Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. He makes them equal to all of his other sons – Reuben, Simeon, Levi… Israel also blessed Ephraim over Manasseh. Ephraim will be greater. Joseph is also blessed. Israel gives him an extra portion of the promised land. Then, in the next chapter, the “blessings” continue. Judah, the fourth son, is elevated to the place of firstborn son. Reuben, Simeon, and Levi’s misdeeds have disqualified them. Judah will be the leader and the line that produces kings. The chapter closes with Israel expressing his wish to be buried with his ancestors.

The final chapter in Genesis begins with the grand burial of Israel in the cave that Abraham had bought from the Hittites. His death triggers a fear in Joseph’s brothers. So they concoct a lie, trying to protect themselves. Joseph assures them of his love and care. But even moreso, he reminds them of God’s hand guiding it all. Joseph also reminds them of the covenant promise made “to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” Joseph expresses his wish to be buried in Canaan, in the Promised Land, before he dies, closing out the book of Genesis . What great faith Joseph expressed in God. May our lives reflect this abiding Faith too.

Prayer: Lord God, this part of the story ends yet points forward to the covenant promises. Throughout we see a deep faith in your plan. That plan and pointing yields the next stages in the Israelites’ journey. May our deep faith in you lead us on our continuing journey of faith as well. Amen.

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Connection, Belonging, Faith

Readings: Genesis 21, Genesis 22, Genesis 23

Genesis 22:7 – “Isaac said, ‘Here is the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the entirely burned offering?’”

Chapter 21 brings a shift in the family dynamics. Sarah gives birth to Isaac. Her laughter of doubt and shame turns to the laughter of joy and celebration. As Isaac grows so too does the tension over the inheritance. This leads to Hagar and Ishmael being sent away. God assures Abraham of their future too, so he is able to send his firstborn son away. Death soon feels near and Hagar and Ishmael cry out to God. Once again God sees her and hears their cries. God promises to make him into a “great nation.” The chapter closes with Abraham making a treaty with Abimelech. This secures water rights for an immigrant living in a foreign land. This reality comes up again in chapter 23.

In chapter 22 God tests Abraham. He is instructed to sacrifice Isaac – his one and only son, again in a place that God will reveal. Showing radical obedience once more, Abraham rises early, chops the wood, and heads out – the fire, the knife, and also Isaac in tow. Leaving the two servants behind, Abraham says to them, “The boy and I will walk up there, worship, and then come back to you.” Carrying the wood himself and seeing the fire, Isaac asks, “But where is the lamb for the entirely burned offering?” Abraham’s response – “God will see to it” – demonstrates his faith. Going so far as to raise the knife over Isaac then demonstrates his trust. God intervenes, providing a ram. Then God reiterates the covenant promise of many, many descendants.

Sarah dies at the beginning of chapter 23. After grieving for her, Abraham goes to the Hittites – the locals – to buy land to bury Sarah. He is at their mercy. Abraham is a temporary immigrant. After some culturally necessary back and forth, he buys land at a very high price. It provides a burial space and it begins a social relationship with the Hittites. To a small degree, they have now become “family.” There is connection and there is belonging, something we all need.

Prayer: Lord God, as the story progresses we see that you do not change. You are faithful, you provide, you are grace. Abraham experiences all of these things again and again as he walks faithfully and obediently with you. Encourage and guide us as we seek to walk this same walk. As we do, Lord, bless us too with your care, your provision, your grace. Amen.