
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Building God’s Dwelling

Readings: Exodus 35, Exodus 36, Exodus 37, Exodus 38, Exodus 39, Exodus 40

Exodus 40:33-34 – “When Moses had finished all the work, the cloud covered the meeting tent and the LORD’s glorious presence filled the dwelling.”

Photo credit: Kyle Johnson

Today’s six chapters cover the construction of the tabernacle. To accomplish this monumental task God and Moses call for a free will offering. So great is the generosity of the people that Moses finally has to say, “Stop!” In total the people brought 2,200 pounds of gold, 7,500 pounds of silver, and 5,300 pounds of copper/bronze – not to mention the cloth, yarn, gemstones, wood, spices… The census was taken. 603,500 men give their half shekel to the sanctuary of God.

Leaders are appointed and the work begins. Men and women contribute. It is a community effort. This project is like a lot of church projects. Generous hearts and willing hands are needed. As it was then so it is now: the people are the heart and soul of the community of faith. The work is done exactly as the Lord has commanded in Exodus 25-31. Every detail is done exactly as the Lord desired. What an example of obedience and attention to detail. In this way it reflects the creation story.

The work is done and the tabernacle is erected. Everything finds its place and the priests are blessed. Moses blesses the people for their work just as God blessed creation when that task was completed. In verses 33-34 of chapter 40 we read, “When Moses had finished all the work, the cloud covered the meeting tent and the LORD’s glorious presence filled the dwelling.” Exactly one year after Israel was delivered from Egypt, the tabernacle is finished and God’s presence comes to dwell among the people. This is the fullest expression of God’s presence in the Old Testament. It expresses God’s desire to be with all people. This desire continues today. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, you were present in and through this magnificent process. You opened hearts and hands to give and serve. Through this your glory was revealed. Continue to be present in and through us, O God. Continue to open our hearts and hands in service to you, O Lord Almighty. In and through us may your glory be revealed! Amen.

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God Is So Faithful

Readings: Genesis 24, Genesis 25:1-18

Genesis 25:27: “Bless the LORD, God of my master Abraham, who hasn’t given up his loyalty and his faithfulness to my master.”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

The bulk of today’s reading covers finding a suitable wife for Isaac. In the culture of the day, that meant finding a wife from within one’s kinship group. This would insure continuity of religious and cultural norms and beliefs. Abram has married from within his kinship group and knew that was essential for his son Isaac too. Living as “temporary immigrants” in a foreign land, Abraham knew how important this would be for Isaac and for his future descendants. What follows is an amazing story of our faithful God at work.

The story begins with the oldest servant swearing an oath to Abraham to try to carry out his wishes for Isaac’s wife. Abraham is sure that God will go before and will guide this process, providing the right wife for Isaac. Arriving at the well outside of Nahor’s city, the servant prays to God for a woman who will give him a drink and then will water his ten camels. Rebekah does exactly that. The servant gazes in awe and wonder as this scene unfolds. He praises God, saying, “Bless the LORD, God of my master Abraham, who hasn’t given up his loyalty and his faithfulness to my master.” Once at the family home, he recounts the whole story. Essentially asking to take Rebekah back home with him to marry Isaac, both dad and brother respond, “This is all the Lord’s doing.” The next day the journey home begins. On arrival, Isaac and Rebekah meet each other and are married.

All set in order, Abraham makes final arrangements. He wills everything to his son Isaac and sends his second wife and their children far away. Abraham dies at 175. Isaac and Ishmael bury their father with Sarah. It is beautiful that both “first sons” are a part of this. Our reading closes with another example of God’s love and faithfulness. Ishmael dies at 137, leaving a line of 12 sons/princes to build his “great nation,” as promised by God to Hagar and Abraham. Our God is so faithful and true. Thanks be to God!

Prayer: Lord God, what a powerful witness to who and what you are! All unfolds exactly as you had it planned and we, like the servant, stand in awe and wonder. From that posture, Lord, may we step forward in faith each day, trusting in you to guide and lead our steps as we seek to do your will. Amen.