
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

Conflict Resolution

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Reading: Matthew 18:15-20

Verse 20: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

In this week’s gospel text Jesus addresses how to deal with conflict within the church. As followers of Jesus Christ we are not immune from being human. As such, we can hurt and even harm one another. For Jesus, this is a given. So in today’s passage he gives direction for how to lovingly deal with the inevitable.

Step one is personal – go to that person and explain how they hurt or harmed you. This will resolve most issues. If that does not bring healing to the relationship, the next step is to bring one or two people along as you again explain the offense. Often other perspectives help to work things out. And it is a check on our motives. If this too fails to bring resolution then we are to bring the matter before the church. There the collective wisdom and love of the body can be used to bring healing and reconciliation to the broken relationship. If even this step fails, then the final steps for the church is to exclude the offender from the body. This is not meant to be punitive. It brings awareness that such behavior is unacceptable and it invites the offender to introspection and repentance.

None of these four steps are easy. That is why Jesus continues in verses 18-20. Jesus first promises that if we follow these steps then our decisions and actions will be godly and just. Accordingly, they will stand both in heaven and on earth. How is it possible to be godly and just in the middle of conflict, hurt, and harm? “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” In the midst of our conflict resolution, if we ask Jesus into the conversation, he will be there. With Jesus Christ leading and guiding the efforts, what we ask for and the just resolution that we seek – “it will be done for you by my father in heaven.” What a way to approach conflict resolution!

Prayer: Lord God, when the inevitable comes, lead and guide us through those difficult times in the life of the community of faith. Be present in our thoughts, in our words, in our actions. Through the Spirit’s loving presence, guide us in mercy, grace, love, honesty, humility, and forgiveness, bringing unity back to the body of Christ. Amen.

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