
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Present in All of Creation

Reading: Psalm 19:1-6

Verse 1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

Psalm 19 speaks of two sides of God. They are different aspects of God in some ways yet work in unison to draw us deeper into our relationship with God. Today’s portion points us to the created world, where God’s power, might, and design are revealed. Tomorrow we turn to the second portion of Psalm 19. Here David rejoices in God’s word. Although very different from nature, the word also reveals God’s power, might, and design.

The opening verse sets the stage for today’s passage: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” To step outside right now, to gaze up at the stars dotting the sky – it moves me to awe and wonder. The stars that God knows by name paint a picture of beauty and grandeur. Soon enough the sun will rise and the “champion” will move across the sky, bringing light and warmth and life to all. Clouds will form and float across the sky, sometimes bringing rain to water the earth, sometimes being part of the water cycle in other ways. Plants, animals, and the earth receive the water and are blessed. All of this displays God’s power and might and it reveals God’s attention to the finest detail. Our response should be to worship God the creator.

At times we can lose this perspective. Driving east last summer, headed to camp, the sun was really hot pouring in through the windshield. I grumbled about it. Then I spent a week at camp, surrounded by God’s amazing creation, blessed by the sun and the water. In this place set apart, God was present. Today I am reminded that God is present in all of creation – in the hot sun and in the waves that break in the beach and in all things in between. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, I praise you for the created world and for the many ways in which you are revealed in it. Your infinite design awes me. Your creative power draws me to worship you. Thank you for this world and all that is in it. Amen.

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The Beauty and Wonder

Reading: Psalm 19: 1-6

Verse 1: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands”.

Photo credit: Ryan Hutton

Walking home from our high school small group last night I paused part way up the hill. My gaze was drawn upward. As I looked up, I saw the expanse of stars shining in the dark sky. I was filled with a sense of awe and wonder. God must have been preparing me for this morning’s reading.

As I look out the window that faces west the sun is slowly rising in the east, just beginning to bathe the houses at the foot of the hills in light. The pines and snow that covers the hills become clearer and clearer as the sun continues to rise. This daily rhythm also connects me to God and reminds me of his love and care for our world.

The psalmist rejoices in the work of God’s hands in our passage today. The sun, moon, and stars speak of God’s glory throughout the world. Just as I am drawn into God’s presence by the rising of the sun, at the same moment someone on the other side of the world is being amazed by the sun’s setting. The “voice” of God is constantly speaking, making humanity ever aware of God’s presence, of his design, of his love and care for you and for me and for all of creation.

As we go through our day today, may we pay attention, may we notice God’s handiwork. In those moments, may we too pause and worship God for the beauty and wonder if creation.

Prayer: Lord God, you speak to me in so many ways. Thank you for the small ways in which you take my breath away and for the slow moments when your light and presence reveal the world to me. Amen.

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All in Praise

Reading: Psalm 27: 4-6

Verse 6: “I will sing and make music to the Lord”.

If you are a fan of contemporary Christian music you probably cannot read verse four without a song running through your head. This line appears in the song “Better Is One Day”. The author of that songs proclaims that “better is one day in you house than thousands elsewhere”. While this is true, David’s hope is much greater. In verse four he writes, “that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days if my life”. Not just one day but every day. That too should be our goal.

To be present to God, to “gaze upon his beauty”, is possible in many ways. We can do this when we are in spiritual connection with God through prayer or meditation or study. We can do this through a physical connection, such as seeing God in the beauty of nature or in the face of one who we are serving or ministering to. And, of course, we can do it as David does, when worshipping God.

In the Psalm, David rejoices in the times that God has kept him safe in days of trouble, rescuing David. This also leads David to praise God. With shouts of joy David offers himself in worship. There, in the temple, “I will sing and make music to the Lord”. This is David’s grateful response to God. In whatever shape or form that takes, may we too offer all of ourselves in praise to our God. May it be so for you and for me.

Prayer: Father God, you alone are worthy of my praise. You lead and guide me, you protect me. Time and time again you have saved me and set my feet upon the rock of Jesus Christ. This morning I praise you! I ask that you would be the Lord of my life all of my days. Amen.