
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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The Gift of Music

Have you ever heard a song and continued with the words or the tune long after it stopped playing?  Ever had a song come to mind as you were praying over a concern or trouble?  Music has a way of soothing and also a way of encouraging.

Psalm 124 is believed to be a call and response song often sung as people made their way up to the temple for worship.  The content of the song recalls how God has intervened in the past to save Israel from its enemies.  It was a concrete reminder of how God is always present to protect the people, always there to preserve at lead a remnant.  As Psalm 124 was sung, it also reminded the people of their dependence on God.

We too are often blessed by God’s hand and are often living under His protection.  The words of songs or hymns that we know can remind us of these gifts.  Their words can also encourage and lift us up in times of need.  Music can be powerful.

Psalm 124 prepared the people for worship as they made their way to the temple.  It put them in the right frame of mind.  I imagine at times people would sing or hum the song as they went through the ups and downs of their daily lives.  Music serves to connect us to God as well, reminding us of who God is and of how we are in relationship with God.  May we too find encouragement and strength when needed and may we offer up our praise and thanksgiving as well through the gift of music each day.

Scripture reference: Psalm 124

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Sing His Song!

Sometimes I get a tune or song stuck in my head.  It plays over and over and over.  If someone mentions or, worse yet, hums a bit of some songs, they get stuck.  There is much joy and happiness in music, so ‘stuck’ may be a bad choice of words.

In today’s reading from the Song of Songs the author speaks of their lover coming to visit.  The winter is over and spring is bounding out all around.  New life can be found all over the place and he beckons her to join him in enjoying it.  Visions of new shoots of green poking up through the earth as birds sing songs carried off on a warm breeze fill my mind.  It is a time that makes the heart smile.

The relationships between lovers also parallels our relationship with God.  Each morning God calls out to us, sings to us, at the start of each new day.  Like an expectant child lying in bed awaiting Christmas morning or a fiance about to pop the question, God cannot wait to welcome us to a brand new day.  The actual time or season of the year does not really matter – God is anxious for us to begin a new day with Him.  It is God’s desire that each new day is full of His presence.

2 Corinthians 5:17 reads, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new is come!”  Each day is a new day as we walk with our Lord.  His mercies are made new every morning as God offers us His love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness each new day.

God calls us to be in song with Him each day as well.  He invites us to sing the songs of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness each day.  May this song of God become so stuck in our hearts and souls that it springs forth from us each day, all day!

Scripture reference: Songs of Songs 2: 8-13

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Immeasurably More

As we gather together in worship we get a glimpse of the community of faith in unity.  We come together in Word, in prayer, in song, in spirit, and in praise.  We come together on a regular basis to celebrate the Lord’s Supper and to find forgiveness as a people of faith.  In worship we are rooted together.

We are all equal before God and nowhere is that more evident than in worship.  In those seats in the sacred space young and old, rich and poor come together.  We unite as one regardless of social, economic, or ethnic background.  All come together to offer our praise and thanksgiving to God.  In world we are blended together.

It is in worship that we experience God’s power, authority, grace, love, forgiveness, and presence.  Out time in worship is a time when we are made new and refreshed to return to our lives in the world.  It is also a tie when we are equipped and empowered to go forth into the world to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

During worship we come to see through Word, prayer, sacrament, and song that our God is indeed great.  We come to see that He can and will do immeasurably more than we can ask for or imagine.  We come to feel His power within us and we are filled with His desire to share His glory with people through all the generations.  His is a presence experienced in community – community with each other and with God.  May all find Him in community with others this day.

Scripture reference: Ephesians 3: 20-21

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Sing a New Song

It is raining outside this morning.  At times the rain swells up and pounds on the windows.  At other times it is a beautiful, steady tapping on the windows. To me it is a joyful sound.  Like the psalmist today writing of how our praises swell up to God, tha rain too brings joy and gladness to the earth.

The psalm brings to mind all of creation raising its voice in praise and worship for God’s steadfast love.  It is the response of all living things to the constant and deep care God has for all His creations.  I can almost hear the grass and plants singing their thanks to God for the moisture He is bringing this morning.  My heart yearns to sing along.

The psalm also calls for us to sing a new song, for salvation has come.  Like a steady rain, the love and compassion of Jesus washes over all who call upon His name.  We are also reminded that with salvation will come judgment.  The world and all of creation will be judged with righteousness and with equity.

Just as the steady rains falls on all of the grass and plants, so too will His judgment fall on all of us.  Today may the love of Christ that is within us be like a steady rain, falling on all we meet.  May it bring refreshment and cleansing to all we meet.  May the incredible love of Christ being to sink into their soil and creep down into their roots.  And in doing all these things, may we sing a joyful song to our God and King.

Scripture reference: Psalm 98 Continue reading

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Words and Without

“Use your words.”  How many times have you said or heard this?  We tend to be very auditory in our learning and in our communication.  In our worship services we require words for everything we do.  Even in the silence of prayer run through our minds.

Must people of faith are people of the books.  The Jews and Christians each have their Bible and Muslims have the Qaran.  The words contained in the Bible are the teachings and stories that guide our life.  Before any were written down they passed on by word of mouth.

We can also worship and draw close to God without words.  Late at night we can sense God’s presence in the majesty of the stars.  On a walk in the woods we can find a bird’s song draws us to a time with God.  A piece of music can weave its way into our consciousness and can become a holy experience.  Something as simple as sitting and watching a campfire can lead us to a time with our savior.

God is all around us.  He is always seeking us, always waiting time with us.  At times we use words in a variety of ways to draw close to God.  Sometimes we do not use words but find ourselves close to God anyway.  Today, may we choose to draw near in a variety of ways.

Scripture reference: Psalm 19

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His Presence

Have you ever had an experience or a moment where you felt God’s presence unexpectedly?  Most of our encounters tend to be either in worship during a song or sometimes during an intense time of prayer.  But have you ever had a visit from God outside of these cases?

At times maybe you have been moved by God from something in nature – a beautiful sunset or a powerful thunderstorm.  Maybe it was in a moment of tragedy or in an experience with an act of heroism where you could sense His presence.

In all of these cases where suddenly God is in our midst, how do we respond?  Are we like Peter, scrambling for something to do, or do we move on quickly, made uncomfortable by the unfamiliar?  Or is yours a different reaction?

When God is present in a song or time of prayer during worship, I hope the moment never ends, that the song or prayer just goes on forever.  I find the same desire to extend His presence during a storm or other event in nature, but that too always ends.  Although all of these experiences come to an end, there is no denying that God has been intimately present.

And what is our repsonse?  What do we do with this amazing divine encounter?  Immediately after the expereience, our common feeling is awe – sometimes we are hardly able to express what we feel in words and sometimes we feel as if we cannot believe what we just experienced.  As the feeling of awe passes we usually move to thanksgiving and often to praise.  It is the natural response of a grateful heart.  It is essential that we always offer our thanksgiving and praise, for we have been directly blessed by the living God.  Today, may you be blessed by our living God!

Scripture reference: Mark 9: 2-9

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Praise His Holy Name!

There are many ways to worship God.  It can be in song, lifting our voices in praise and adoration.  It can be found in reading and meditating on His Word.  It can be found in our prayers to our God.  It can be found in dance or a movement offered to God.

There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to worship our creator.  Music, for example, can vary widely.  It can be a pure and simple as a group of monks chanting a psalm.  It can be a wonderful hymn sung only with voices.  It can be a talented choir accompanied by a powerful organ.  It can be a praise team with guitars, drums, keyboards, and vocals.  It can be a single person walking along the beach humming a tune.

All of our worship is pleasing to the Almighty.  In tune or out of tune, in rhythm or not – when we connect with God and offer Him our praise and adoration, He is pleased.

Worship also lifts us up.  There are physical and emotional benefits to singing.  We are made stronger physically, mentally, and spiritually when we worship our heavenly Father.  So, today sing a song.  Hum a tune.  Draw close to our Lord and He will draw close to you.

Scripture reference: Psalm 29: 1-2 and 11

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Sing Mary’s Song

Mary’s song is a beautiful song of hope, compassion, and faith.  It is a song that connects all of Israel’s past yet speaks at the same time of things to come.  Mary sings of a Jesus that she is only just beginning to carry in her womb.

Mary is full of joy and gives all the glory to God.  She knows how special her role is and also that she was selected out of many possible mothers, yet she is still humble.  She is glad for the role God has given her, knowing she is blessed.

Her song speaks so well of the role Jesus will play.  She sings of him offering mercy to those who fear him.  She sings of how he will minister – scattering the proud, bringing down rulers, lifting the humble, feeding the hungry, sending the rich away.  Only through the presence of the Holy Spirit could she sing such a song.

During this holy season may we also sing Mary’s song.  But may we also blend it with our story as we allow the Spirit’s presence into our story too.  May we share the story of what Jesus has done for us as we also bring the good news of Jesus Christ to others.

Scripture reference: Luke 1: 46-55

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Sing a Song!

As the sea closed in and the waters settles back down, the Israelites sang a song of thanks to God.  As a community, they worshipped God.  Song has a way of uniting us too. At a gathering, there are certain songs we all know and these songs draw us together.

Song also carries along our history or common story.  Songs are sung over and over as a way to remember.  Songs can also bring us back to another time or place – this song reminds you of your wedding or that song reminds you of Christmas or Easter.  Music is a reminder of who we are and brings us back into community.

Songs are also connectors.  Songs connect us to God as we lift our praises to Him.  One can just get lost in a song and find oneself in God’s presence.  Song also connects us to the people we are physically present with in worship.  It binds us young and old, rich and poor, into a people gathered as one.  When we worship and sing together, God is present.

Scripture reference: Exodus 15: 1-11b and 20-21

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Sing to God

The Book of Psalms was like Israel’s hymnal.  The songs they sang recounted their history and their relationship with God.  Both the good and the bad are in there – psalms of praise and psalms of lament.  Most of the time they sang songs to remember their past, to seek God’s help in present trouble, or to praise their God.

The songs we now sing on Sundays or in our car or… are also ways that we connect to God.  Some of our hymns contain ‘history’ but many hymns and most contemporary songs celebrate our relationship with God and Jesus and what they bring – hope, peace, love, strength, mercy…

Song has a way of uniting us as a people of God or of bringing us to a common place.  For example, to some songs offer hope for the future while for others the same song is a call to work for justice and freedom for all.  In another way, our songs can be like scripture passages that we memorize.  We can have ‘favorites’ to sing as we praise God, as we seek to find strength or comfort in God, or as we try to connect or reconnect to God.

What are your favorite songs to sing to God?

Scripture reference: Psalms 105: 16-22 and 45b