
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Mercy Over Violence

Readings: 1st Samuel 21, 1st Samuel 22, 1st Samuel 23, 1st Samuel 24

1st Samuel 23:14 – “Saul searched for him constantly, but God did not hand David over to Saul.”

Photo credit: Shane Rounce

Today we read about Saul’s pursuit of David and his soldiers. David first goes to the priest at Nob, Ahimelech. He gets bread and a sword from him. The priest knows nothing of the conflict between Saul and David. One of Saul’s servants, Doeg, is there. When Saul finds out that Ahimelech helped David, Saul summons him and his whole household. He pleads his case. But in anger, Saul orders their deaths. It is Doeg that slaughters them all, save one son, Abiathar. He escapes and reports everything to David. David invites him to stay with them.

The Philistines attack a nearby town and David inquires of God about defending it. Yes, yes, God says. David’s soldiers aren’t so sure. They’re in hiding. Following God’s direction, though, David and his soldiers attack, winning another decisive victory. He then flees into the wilderness. There, David and his soldiers are almost trapped by Saul, but another Philistine invasion draws Saul away.

Continuing to move, David evades Saul. And then David has his chance. Saul ducks into a cave to relieve himself. David and soldiers are hiding deeper in that cave. He sneaks up and cuts off a corner of Saul’s robe. David refuses to attack or kill Saul, the Lord’s anointed. David comes out of the cave and calls out to Saul. He explains the choice he made. Saul realizes that God is with David. He acknowledges that David will be king. Saul asks David to spare his family when he is gone. For a second time, David extends mercy. The violent one is humbled by the one who is merciful.

Prayer: Lord God, lead me to be a person of mercy. May my choices always be on the side of love. Amen.

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Reading: Acts 8: 32-40

Verse 35: “Philip began with that very passage of scripture and told him the good news about Jesus”.

As we continue today in Acts 8 we see how the opportunity that God provided for Philip impacted the Ethiopian eunuch. Led by the Holy Spirit, Philip was invited to sit with the eunuch in order to explain these verses from Isaiah 53. The prophet writes of a man who was killed – “led like a sheep to the slaughter”. The eunuch asks, “Who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else”? There is a desire burning inside the eunuch to know more.

In verse 35 we read, “Philip began with that very passage of scripture and told him the good news about Jesus”. Beginning with this messianic prophecy, Philip tells the good news of Jesus Christ to the eunuch. We do not know what all Philip taught the man. Did he include other Old Testament prophecies? Did he include the birth stories? Did Philip just begin at the point that he himself encountered Jesus? What story did he use to plant the seeds of a desire to be baptized? Whatever Philip taught the eunuch must have been filled with compassion and personal belief. Led still by the Holy Spirit, Philip connected the eunuch to Jesus Christ and the new life offered through a relationship with Jesus.

We too will encounter people that are seeking. Some will be like the eunuch, seeking Jesus. Seeds already planted will be ready to blossom into faith. Here we guide them in their final steps into a relationship with Jesus. Some will be seeking meaning and purpose in their lives. With these we will need to model and eventually teach how and why Jesus is the only thing that fills that hole in their soul. Some seekers will be hurting or broken or lost, knowing that they have a need but are unable to identify or name it. They just know they want out of that valley. Working through the pain or grief will proceed any obvious steps of faith. Pouring God’s love and compassion and comfort into their lives will help bring healing and wholeness. These are but a few of the people we will encounter if we are listening to the Holy Spirit, if we are seeking to be used by God.

Like Philip did with the eunuch, may we meet the person right before us where they are, ministering to them as we are led by the Holy Spirit. Doing so, we too will share the good news of Jesus Christ, drawing others closer to our Lord and Savior.

Prayer: God, open my eyes and heart to see the ones you place before me today. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, guide my words and actions. Use me to build your kingdom today. Amen.