
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Restore Us

Reading: Psalm 80:19 – ‭‭“Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.”

As the psalmist writes these words, loss is heavy upon the people. Written in about 700 BC, this lament most likely comes from the remnant, those who survived the fall of the northern kingdom. It was a brutal and sobering experience for the people of God. Prayers for restoration and salvation are ‘normal’ in times of great loss and deep grief.

When we’ve experienced a difficult loss, often our first hope is to go back to how it was. Soon, though, we come to the hard realization that this will not happen. Our loved one is gone, the job is forever lost, the dream will never materialize. This was the case for God’s people in Psalm 80. The siege and destruction and death and loss are irreversible. So these prayers for restoration and salvation are prayers that look forward. It is initially often very hard to look forward and to find hope in the immediate aftermath of a great loss. It is through faith alone that God’s light and love can begin to again shine in our darkness.

God promises to love us always, to be with us in all things. It is these promises that the psalmist clings to. It is with faith that he or she writes, “Restore us, Lord God Almighty.” Bring us new life. Bring hope into our hearts once again. “Make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.” Light our path, help us to take one step forward. Save us from our situation, from our pain and suffering, from our loss and grief. These are prayers of faith and trust. In times of loss, may these be our prayers and our hope.

Prayer: Lord God, there will be times of loss, pain, and grief. Some of us are in the midst of this season right now. In these moments and in these seasons, remind us again and again of your great love for us and of your desire for us to find hope and joy in this life. In our times of need, guide us to this place of faith and trust. Amen.

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Strong, Loving

Reading: Psalm 62: 9-12

Verse 12: “You, O God, are strong… You, O Lord, are loving”.

In our reading today David begins by acknowledging that all of us are “nothing”, “only a breath”. We are each but a blip on God’s timeline. Therefore, David advises us not to trust in the things of this world, saying, “Do not set your hearts on them”. These are sobering thoughts. Yet they do not need to be frightening or to make us anxious. Our passage concludes with these words concerning God: “Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done”. We each have control over this reality. We are who controls and has influence over how God rewards us.

We are God’s creation, made in his image, born with the spark of the divine within us. We are also flesh and bone, drawn to the things of this world. David has experienced both sides of this, just as we have. As he writes from a place of maturity in his life and in his faith, he states, “You, O God, are strong… You, O Lord, are loving”. These two characteristics of God are what allow us the opportunity to receive an eternal reward that continues our relationship with the Lord. God’s strength is what guides us and empowers us to withstand the temptations of this world most of the time. God’s love is what forgives and redeems us when we fail to withstand. Thanks be to God for both his love and his strength!

Prayer: Lord God, as strong as you are, you understand my weakness. As loving as you are, you understand my selfishness. You understand both because in Jesus you walked both out in the world. So your love is always stronger than my weakness against the powers of the world. Guide me as I go out into the world; use me to help others know of your love and strength. Amen.