
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Song of Faith

Reading: Psalm 68:1-10

Verse 4: “Sing to God, sing in praise of his name.”

Psalm 68 begins by asking God for protection: scatter the enemies, make the foes flee, blow them away. God’s enemies and foes are Israel’s enemies and foes. And then the psalmist turns to remembering what God has done for Israel and to praising God for this. In verse 3 David writes, “May the righteous be glad and rejoice before God.” It is a call to sing and to lift praises to God.

The people are called to remember and to sing praises for God’s love and care for the orphans and widows and for the lonely and poor, for freeing the prisoners, and for pouring down abundance on “your weary inheritance.” The Israelites are called to praise God and so are we. To do so we must remember what God has done. In today’s Disciplines devotional, author Maureen Knudsen Langdoc writes, “Praise springs from remembering, and remembering is crucial for bearing witness to Christ” (page 173.) We have experienced God’s love and care, God’s gifts of mercy and forgiveness, the hope and promise of salvation. Together we too have a song to sing.

So what is the chorus and what are the verses to your song of God’s love and care? Luke David and the Israelites, we have a corporate experience of God’s activity in the community of faith. Perhaps that is the chorus. What, then, are the personal experiences with God that compromise the verses of your song? As you consider and compose the song of your faith, may you sing it to God and to others.

Prayer: Lord God, fill my mouth with a song of praise. Put words in my heart and on my lips that bring praise and glory to you! Amen.

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Praise the Lord!

Reading: Psalm 148

Verse 14: “He has raised up for his people a horn”.

As we begin the week leading into Christmas, we begin with a beautiful Psalm that calls all of creation to praise the Lord. The psalmist begins by inviting the heavens – angels and the rest of the heavenly host – to praise the Lord. From there he invites the sun, moon, and stars to join the chorus of praise. And then the writer adds the “waters above the skies” into the choir. All are invited to praise the Lord because “he commanded and they were created”.

Beginning in verse seven the psalmist turns to the things of the earth itself. First, he invites the creatures of “all ocean depths” and then calls the lightning, hail, snow, clouds, and wind to join in. Continuing on with the created world the psalmist invites the mountains and hills, the plants, animals, and birds to add their voices to the chorus of praise to the Lord. All of the choir is now assembled, save one. Beginning in verse eleven the psalmist calls for all of humanity to sing out their praises to the Lord. From kings and princes to young men and maidens to old men and children, the psalmist declares, “let them praise the name of the Lord”. All of humanity joins all of creation in praising the Lord “for his name alone is exalted”.

In verse fourteen we get to the culminating point. The world and universe created by the Lord has been assembled. Because all has been created by the Lord, all are connected to the Lord. This very connection calls forth our praise. Yet in the earthly, created sense all of this is temporary. Even the stars and mountains, those things that seem timeless to us, even these will fall from the sky and will fall into the sea. In verse fourteen the psalmist writes, “He has raised up for his people a horn”. The horn is the horn of salvation. The horn connects you and me and all of creation to the eternity of God. The horn of salvation is Jesus Christ the Lord and he alone offers salvation. Jesus offers us salvation from the chains of both sin and death. Freed from all that binds, we are made brothers and sisters in Christ, freed to raise our voices to the one who saves. Freed and created, we will one day raise our voices as we gather around the throne. One day we will offer our praise to the Lord face to face with glory itself. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord, what a way to begin the week we celebrate the birth of your son, the horn of salvation! All praise to you, the Lord of all. May all I do and say today bring you the glory! Amen.