
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Wonderful Things

Readings: Joshua 1, Joshua 2, Joshua 3

Joshua 3:5 – “Make yourselves holy! Tomorrow the LORD will do wonderful things among you.”

Photo credit: John Towner

The book of Joshua begins with God’s direction and encouragement. Israel is to get ready to cross the Jordan. God encourages Joshua, telling him “no one will be able to stand up against you.” God encourages him to be “brave and strong.” And then God tells him to obey all of the Law, to recite it always. Why? “Then you will accomplish…” Faith and obedience will be required.

Joshua reaffirms the Transjordan tribes’ commitment to lead into the Promised Land and into battle. They pledge their support to Joshua and his leadership. Spies are sent into the land. They end up at a prostitute’s house. The king of Jericho hears about it and tells Rahab to send out the spies. Instead she lies, sending the king’s men on a wild good chase. Rahab then acknowledges the people’s fear of Israel and expresses her faith in Israel’s God. She seeks and receives assurance that she and her family will be spared. Rahab lowers the spies to safety. A red cord in the window will be a sign for death to pass over her home – like the red blood in Egypt. Rahab demonstrates the faith, initiative, and resolve needed to conquer the Promised Land.

In chapter 3 the Jordan is crossed. The river is at flood stage. Yet as the priests carrying the ark step into the river, dry ground is created. The people cross over, witnessing the “wonderful things” that Joshua has promised to a holy people. God goes before and the people follow. God makes a way once again. As we step forward as God leads, may we also trust fully in our God who always goes before.

Prayer: Lord God, in today’s readings there is a new sense of trust, of faith, of confidence in you. Joshua embodies this and it translates into the people’s lives. Use us today as you used Joshua – as pillars of faith and trust in your power and might. May these things seep into the lives of those we encounter today. Amen.

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The Target Audience

Reading: Matthew 22:1-10

Verse 3: “He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.”

Photo credit: Possessed Photography

Jesus loved to tell a good story, to teach in parables. These were stories that were often set in real life so that people could relate to them. Therefore they were able to remember them. Parables are great ways to teach lessons or truths without actually naming the target audience. And best of all, the people knew there were deeper meanings to these parables, so they wrestled with Jesus’ teachings.

Once again Jesus begins, “The kingdom of heaven was like…” Jesus is talking about both the future kingdom of heaven and of the kingdom here on earth. These are to be like one another. When we get to heaven, we should say, ‘This looks a lot like earth.’ That is the truth that frames this parable. The parable reveals the reality that they are not alike.

The king (God) invites people (Israel) to his son’s wedding. They accepted the invitation. (The Jews see themselves as God’s chosen people.) The time comes for the actual banquet – all has been prepared (Jesus has come.) The king tells the servants to summon those on the guest list. The people refuse to come. Some even kill the servants (prophets). In a harsh but true statement the king says, “Those I invited did not deserve to come.” Undeterred, the servants are sent out into the streets (the world) inviting people (all people) to come to the banquet. The invitation is wide open. The banquet hall is filled! This is God’s intent for the kingdom of heaven – both here on earth and one day in eternity.

The target audience has layers. There is wrestling to be done. A target audience is the religious leaders and other Jews that have rejected the prophets and who now reject Jesus. Another target audience is those who have read this parable ever since it was written. How often we (you and me) reject the invitations of God – be they in the words in red or in the gentle whispers and nudges of the Holy Spirit. What then is Jesus teaching us yet today?

Prayer: Lord God, may the truths that you reveal to us today not just be a sting that we allow to fade away with time. May they lead us to step further into your kingdom here on earth. May we hear your voice calling us to the streets, to the places where the lost and lonely, the broken and the hurting reside. In and through us may they hear your invitation to the feast. Amen.