
Thoughts and musings on faith and our mighty God!

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Ever the Teacher

Reading: Luke 24:44-53

Verse 51: “While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.”

We step outside of the regular lectionary readings today as we turn to Luke 24. Today is known as “Ascension Day” – the day when the risen Christ returns to heaven to sit at the right hand of God. Ever the teacher, Jesus summarizes the overarching story of the Hebrew Bible one last time.

Jesus begins by unpacking all that was written about the Messiah in “the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.” Jesus works his way through all of the Hebrew scriptures, revealing that he was the fulfillment of all of these prophetic writings. Jesus then summarizes with his suffering and resurrection – the means to give salvation to the world. He reiterates their task moving forward: to preach “repentance and forgiveness of sins” to the whole world. This continues to be the way to eternal life: we repent and God forgives. Humility and grace, worked out again and again by those involved in covenant relationship: us and God. What a gift.

Jesus returns to heaven in a most humble way: “While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.” While still offering himself in service to others, giving the disciples a blessing, Jesus simply rises up. The disciples must’ve sensed or known that this was it. But they are not sad. They are filled with great joy. Minds opened to all that had been written, filled with these truths, they worship God. Fully understanding who and what Jesus Christ was and is, they are ready for the last step. Their training and preparation complete, they are ready to receive the Holy Spirit. This final step will launch them into the mission that Jesus has given them. In 10 days it will come. Filled with the Spirit these disciples will change the world. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord God, we stand in this long line of disciples who have come to know and then accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Doing so we’ve been filled with the Holy Spirit. Lead and guide us to be disciples who continue to change the world. Amen.

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The Family

Reading: Ephesians 1: 3-14

Verse 13: “You also were included in Christ… Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit”.

The opening section of Ephesians is all about God’s plans to include us all in the family of God. Paul begins by declaring that God chose us to be in Christ “before the creation of the world”. It is in “accordance with his pleasure and will” that all people are “adopted as his sons [and daughters] through Jesus Christ”. God desires for all people to be a part of the community of faith.

Starting in verse seven Paul moves on to why and how God wants us in the family. First, only then do we receive redemption for our sins. Out of love God provided a way for us to be freed from the bonds of sin. Without Christ we remain trapped in the guilt and shame. Second, God lavishes us with wisdom and understanding. The ways of God are not the ways of the world. This gift allows believers to live and see and love the world differently. Created anew in Christ, we pursue the things and ways of God instead of the world. Third, in relationship with Christ we become a part of the fulfillment of all things. Living holy lives we are a part of bringing “all things in heaven and earth together under one head, Jesus Christ”. As part of the family, we seek to help bring others into the family of God.

About three years ago I was serving a church in a small rural community. The hospital called and asked if I would come visit an elderly woman who was nearing death. Soon after arriving I learned from her daughters that she wanted to be baptized. As I left to get the needed supplies, I asked if she wanted to receive communion after being baptized. She nodded “yes”. When I returned we had a short baptism service for a 93-year-old. She had come to know Jesus as Lord later in life but had never been baptized. She knew of Paul’s words: “you were marked with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit”. Feeling a new sense of belonging, this deposit “guaranteeing her inheritance” led to celebrating holy communion in a new way too.

Taken together, all of the signs and symbols, all the wisdom and knowledge, all the blessings and graces – they reassure us of our place in the community of faith. Thanks be to God for the love that is big enough to want all of us to be saved. To the praise of his glory, amen!

Prayer: Loving God, you so want to include all people in your family. Use me today to move someone a little closer to being a part of the great community of faith. Amen.

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Clothed with Power

Reading: Luke 24: 44-53

Spending time in the Bible, reading and meditating and studying, is important in developing our faith.  It is important in developing our relationship with Jesus and in understanding our call to discipleship.  In the Bible we find not only great examples of personal discipleship in the faithful such as Abraham and Ruth, but we also find great examples of public discipleship in the faithful such as Paul and Peter.

If we choose to call Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, then we too must follow both the personal and the public call to witness to our faith.  After His death and resurrection Jesus spent time teaching and building up the disciples so that they would be prepared to go forth.  He unpacked the scriptures for them so that they fully understood Jesus’ role as the fulfillment of the Old Testament.  They had no doubt that He was the Word made flesh, that He was the alpha and omega, that He was the king of kings, that He was God’s Son, and that He was the only way to eternal life.

It was this knowledge and faith and belief that filled the disciples with confidence.  They eagerly awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit as they returned to Jerusalem.  There was a new hope and excitement in them as they anticipated being ‘clothed with power from on high’.  Jesus had packed them full of tools, knowledge, and faith so that when the Spirit came upon them, they would be ready to witness to the ends of the earth.

Daily we too can meet Jesus to fill ourselves with the tools, knowledge, and faith.  In our Bibles we find all we need to grow in our personal discipleship and to go forth to offer our public discipleship. Once we invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and to lead and guide us, we too will be clothed with power from on high, ready to  be His light and love in our world.